Name ranking, statistics Serviced By ""

The name '계학(Gyehak)' is that since 2008 year to 2024 year totally 1 people was birthed in Korea.
Boys are totally 1, Girls are totally 0 persons.
'계학' is a style of Boy name.
Most birthed season is Autumn.
Boy name ranking is 15,058 of 34,353.
The Long-term trend of the name '계학' of is sidle along,,
3-years recent trend is sidle along,.
The 계학's Romaji(English) Expression is 'Gyehak'.
Other english spelling variations of this name are
(N/A) Hak  
How about this names?
로운(Roun)    이안(Ian)    준우(Junu)    시윤(Siyun)    승우(Seung-u)    한결(Han-gyeol)    도윤(Doyun)    민찬(Minchan)    은호(Eunho)    승현(Seunghyeon)    동현(Donghyeon)    지환(Jihwan)    진우(Jinu)    율(Yul)    우주(Uju)     

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Chinese Characters Information

Your can make meanings of this name Gyehak with combinations of chinese characters(with meaning).

Chinese characters for Korean name (계 41)

bind; tie up; involve; relation
9 Strokes
7 Strokes
open; begin; commence; explain
11 Strokes
stairs; a flight of steps; a degree; a class; a rank or step
12 Strokes
person's name
12 Strokes
deed; contract; bond; engrave
9 Strokes
quarter of year; season; surname
8 Strokes
numerary adjunct for time; term
8 Strokes
13 Strokes
fearful; apprehensive; perturbed
11 Strokes
warn; caution; admonish
7 Strokes
assist; help; lead by hand
10 Strokes
성, 밝을
8 Strokes
cassia or cinnamon
10 Strokes
weapons; implements; instruments
11 Strokes
tally or wooden pass
12 Strokes
윤택할, 국물
9 Strokes
물창일할, 물이름
13 Strokes
mountain stream; creek
13 Strokes
우물물, 샘퐁퐁솟을, 물잦을
20 Strokes
10 Strokes
boundary; limit; domain; society; the world
9 Strokes
prolonged fever; chronic malaria
14 Strokes
10th heavenly stem
9 Strokes
mountain stream; creek
15 Strokes
semi-annual ceremony of purification
14 Strokes
system; line; link; connection
7 Strokes
embroidered banner
14 Strokes
얽을, 맺을
16 Strokes
attach; connect; unite; fasten
19 Strokes
continue; maintain; carry on
20 Strokes
a kind of woolen fabric
17 Strokes
circium; thistles; surname
19 Strokes
plan; plot; strategem; scheme
9 Strokes
warn; admonish; warning
14 Strokes
valley; gorge; mountain stream
17 Strokes
stairs; steps; rank; degree
12 Strokes
chickens; domestic fowl
18 Strokes
hair rolled up in a bun; topknot
16 Strokes
21 Strokes

16 Strokes

Chinese characters for Korean name (학 16)

to flute
13 Strokes
16 Strokes
bed of torrent; narrow ravine
17 Strokes
learning; knowledge; school
8 Strokes
learning; knowledge; school
16 Strokes
animal name
9 Strokes
intermittent fever; malaria
15 Strokes
새흴, 머리셀
21 Strokes
sure; certain; real; true
12 Strokes
16 Strokes
cruel; harsh; oppressive
7 Strokes
17 Strokes
17 Strokes
surname; place in modern Shanxi
10 Strokes
crane; Grus species (various)
21 Strokes
oriental bullfinch; weaver bird; Pyrrhula species (various)
24 Strokes

Annual birth count(person) of Gyehak

The black stacked bar area is a estimated value of 2024 year
that is divided by the real time cumulative daily birth count of this year and multiplied by 365(366 at leap year).
If count is under 10, it will not provided.

Annual Popularity(Adjusted) of GyehakNew

The annual Popularities were standardized by 2019 year's birth count,
So you can check actual Popularities.

Boy name Popularity of Gyehak

Girl name Popularity of Gyehak

Boy name ranking of Gyehak

Since 2008 to 2024, Boy name ranking chart.
At 2012,2012,2012,2012, The rank was 4808.

Girl name ranking of Gyehak

Since 2008 to 2024, Girl name ranking chart.
At , The rank was 999999.

Seasonal Ratio(person) of Gyehak

Gender Ratio(person) of Gyehak


Korean City Ratio(person) of Gyehak

Questions or opinions of the name 계학 (Gyehak)