Name ranking, statistics Serviced By ""
The name '
담교(Damgyo)' is that since 2008 year to
2024 year totally
3 people was
birthed in Korea.
Boys are totally
2, Girls are totally
1 persons.
담교' is a style of Unisex name.
Most birthed season is
Boy name ranking is
11,789 of 34,353.
Girl name ranking is
9,894 of 26,991.
The Long-term trend of the name '담교' of is
3-years recent trend is
sidle along,.
The 담교's Romaji(English) Expression is '
Other english spelling variations of this name are
Dam Kyo , Dam Gyo
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Chinese Characters Information
Your can make meanings of this name Damgyo with combinations of chinese characters(with
Chinese characters for Korean name (담 36)
- 倓
10 Strokes
- 儋
a small jar; to bear a burden; a load of two
15 Strokes
- 啖
eat; feed; chew; bite; entice
11 Strokes
- 啗
eat; chew; bite; entice; lure
11 Strokes
- 啿
수두룩할, 많을
12 Strokes
- 嘾
꿀꺽삼킬, 탈함
15 Strokes
- 噉
bite; chew; (Cant.) like this; in this way
15 Strokes
- 坍
collapse; landslide
7 Strokes
- 埮
평평한 땅
11 Strokes
- 墰
an earthenware jar; a jug
15 Strokes
- 壜
earthen jar or jug
19 Strokes
- 惔
속탈, 근심할
11 Strokes
- 憺
16 Strokes
- 擔
carry; bear; undertake
16 Strokes
- 曇
become cloudy; overcast
16 Strokes
- 毯
rug; carpet; blanket
12 Strokes
- 淡
weak; watery; insipid; tasteless
11 Strokes
- 湛
deep; profound; clear; tranquil; placid
12 Strokes
- 潭
deep pool; lake; deep; profound
15 Strokes
- 澹
calm; quiet; tranquil
16 Strokes
- 炎
flame; blaze; hot
8 Strokes
- 痰
phlegm; mucus; spittle
13 Strokes
- 禫
sacrifice offered at the end of the three years' mourning the death of a parent
17 Strokes
- 緂
유록빛, 옷빛깔환할, 길쌈
14 Strokes
- 罎
an earthenware jar; a jug
22 Strokes
- 聃
ears without rims; a personal name
11 Strokes
- 膽
gall bladder; bravery; courage
17 Strokes
- 蕁
18 Strokes
- 薝
19 Strokes
- 覃
reach to; spread to; extensive
12 Strokes
- 談
talk; conversation; surname
15 Strokes
- 譚
surname; to talk
19 Strokes
- 郯
name of a small ancient principality which was situated in what is now part of Shantung and Kiangsu
11 Strokes
- 錟
long spear
16 Strokes
- 黮
black; dark; unclear; private
21 Strokes
- 黵
tattooing face
25 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (교 55)
- 交
mix; intersect; exchange; communicate; deliver
6 Strokes
- 佼
beautiful; handsome; good-looking
8 Strokes
- 僑
sojourn; lodge
14 Strokes
- 咬
bite; gnaw
9 Strokes
- 喬
tall; lofty; proud; stately
12 Strokes
- 嘄
cry; shout; hail; greet; call
14 Strokes
- 嘐
final exclamatory particle
14 Strokes
- 噭
16 Strokes
- 嚙
bite; gnaw
18 Strokes
- 姣
beautiful; handsome; pretty
9 Strokes
- 嬌
seductive and loveable; tender
15 Strokes
- 嬓
cover over; hide; narrow-necked
16 Strokes
- 嵺
14 Strokes
- 嶠
high pointed mountain
15 Strokes
- 巧
skillful; ingenious; clever
5 Strokes
- 恔
쾌할, 시원할
9 Strokes
- 憍
be haughty; proud; arrogant
15 Strokes
- 撟
correct; to bend or twist; to feign; to raise (the hand)
15 Strokes
- 攪
disturb; agitate; stir up
23 Strokes
- 敎
11 Strokes
- 教
teach; class
11 Strokes
- 晈
10 Strokes
- 暞
bright; shining; have guts
14 Strokes
- 曒
bright; shining; have guts
17 Strokes
- 校
school; military field officer
10 Strokes
- 榷
footbridge; toll; levy; monopoly
14 Strokes
- 橋
bridge; beam; crosspiece
16 Strokes
- 燆
불번쩍일, 불꽃
16 Strokes
- 狡
cunning; deceitful; treacherous
9 Strokes
- 珓
10 Strokes
- 皎
white; bright; brilliant; clear
11 Strokes
- 皦
흴, 밝을
18 Strokes
- 矯
correct; rectify; straighten out
17 Strokes
- 磽
barren land; sandy soil
17 Strokes
- 穚
벼이삭, 가라지풀우거질
17 Strokes
- 窖
움, 깊은마음
12 Strokes
- 絞
twist; wring; intertwine; winch
12 Strokes
- 翹
turn up; lift; elevate; raise
18 Strokes
- 膠
glue; gum; resin; rubber
15 Strokes
- 蕎
18 Strokes
- 蛟
scaly dragon with four legs
12 Strokes
- 趫
19 Strokes
- 蹻
19 Strokes
- 較
compare; comparatively; more
13 Strokes
- 轎
sedan-chair; palanquin
19 Strokes
- 郊
suburbs; waste land; open spaces
9 Strokes
- 鄗
고을 이름
12 Strokes
- 鄡
name of land
13 Strokes
- 鉸
가위, 장식
14 Strokes
- 餃
stuffed dumplings
15 Strokes
- 驕
spirited horse; haughty
22 Strokes
- 骹
15 Strokes
- 鮫
17 Strokes
- 鵁
17 Strokes
- 齩
bite; gnaw
21 Strokes
Annual birth count(person) of Damgyo
The black stacked bar area is a estimated value of 2024 year
is divided by the real time cumulative daily birth count of this year and multiplied by 365(366 at leap
If count is under 10, it will not provided.
Boy name ranking of Damgyo
Since 2008 to 2024, Boy name ranking
At 2022,2022,2022, The rank was
Girl name ranking of Damgyo
Since 2008 to 2024, Girl name ranking
At 2011year,2011year,2011year,2011year, The rank was
Questions or opinions of the name 담교 (Damgyo)