Name ranking, statistics Serviced By ""
The name '
레베카고하르(Not provided)' is that since 2008 year to
2024 year totally
1 people was
birthed in Korea.
Boys are totally
0, Girls are totally
1 persons.
레베카고하르' is a style of Girl name.
Most birthed season is
Girl name ranking is
9,894 of 26,991.
The Long-term trend of the name '레베카고하르' of is
sidle along,,
3-years recent trend is
sidle along,.
The 레베카고하르's Romaji(English) Expression is '
Not provided'.
Other english spelling variations of this name are
Re (N/A) Ka Go Ha Reu , Re (N/A) Ka Ko Ha Reu , Re (N/A) Ka Koh Ha Reu , Re (N/A) Ka Goh Ha Reu
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Chinese Characters Information
Your can make meanings of this name Not provided with combinations of chinese characters(with
Chinese characters for Korean name (레 0)
Chinese characters for Korean name (베 0)
Chinese characters for Korean name (카 0)
Chinese characters for Korean name (고 69)
- 估
merchant; estimate; guess; presume
7 Strokes
- 凅
dried up; exhausted; tired; dry
10 Strokes
- 刳
cut out; dig; rip up; scoop out
8 Strokes
- 古
old; classic; ancient
5 Strokes
- 叩
knock; ask; kowtow; bow
5 Strokes
- 告
tell; announce; inform; accuse
7 Strokes
- 呱
wail; crying of child; swear at
8 Strokes
- 固
to become solid; solidify; strength
8 Strokes
- 夰
high; tall; lofty; elevated
5 Strokes
- 姑
father's sister; husband's mother
8 Strokes
- 婟
아낄, 안타까울, 어여쁠
11 Strokes
- 孤
orphan; fatherless; solitary
8 Strokes
- 尻
end of spine; buttocks; sacrum
5 Strokes
- 崓
11 Strokes
- 庫
armory; treasury; storehouse
10 Strokes
- 拷
torture and interrogate; hit
9 Strokes
- 攷
examine; test; investigate
6 Strokes
- 故
ancient; old; reason; because
9 Strokes
- 敲
strike; beat; pound; hammer; rap
14 Strokes
- 暠
daybreak; bright and brilliant
14 Strokes
- 杲
bright sun; brilliant; high
8 Strokes
- 枯
dried out; withered; decayed
9 Strokes
- 栲
10 Strokes
- 槀
draft; manuscript
14 Strokes
- 槁
wither; withered; rotten; dead
14 Strokes
- 橭
무고나무, 나무사방으로퍼질
16 Strokes
- 櫜
quiver (case for arrows)
19 Strokes
- 沽
buy and sell; inferior in quality
8 Strokes
- 牯
cow; bull; ox
9 Strokes
- 痼
chronic disease
13 Strokes
- 皋
the high land along a river
10 Strokes
- 皐
the high land along a river
11 Strokes
- 盬
salt pit; leisure; pot; drink
18 Strokes
- 瞽
blind; blind musician; stupid
18 Strokes
- 稁
짚, 초
12 Strokes
- 稿
draft; manuscript; rough copy
15 Strokes
- 箍
hoop; bind; surround
14 Strokes
- 篙
pole used punt boat
16 Strokes
- 糕
cakes; pastry
16 Strokes
- 罟
net; snare; pressure come or go
10 Strokes
- 羔
lamb; kid
10 Strokes
- 羖
a black ram
10 Strokes
- 翺
soar; roam
18 Strokes
- 考
examine; test; investigate
6 Strokes
- 股
thighs; haunches; rump; share
8 Strokes
- 胯
pelvis; groin; thighs
10 Strokes
- 膏
grease; fat; paste; ointment
14 Strokes
- 苦
bitter; hardship; suffering
11 Strokes
- 苽
bulrush; Zizania latifolia
11 Strokes
- 菰
wild rice; zizania latifolia
14 Strokes
- 藁
straw; hay; dry; withered
20 Strokes
- 蠱
poison; venom; harm; bewitch
23 Strokes
- 袴
pants; trousers; panties
12 Strokes
- 觚
jug; winecup; goblet; square
12 Strokes
- 詁
exegesis; explanation; explain
12 Strokes
- 誥
inform; notify; admonish; order
14 Strokes
- 辜
crime; criminal offense
12 Strokes
- 郜
name of fief in Shantong bestowed on the eldest son of Wen Wang
10 Strokes
- 酤
to deal in spirits
12 Strokes
- 鈷
cobalt; household iron cobaltum
13 Strokes
- 錮
run metal into cracks; confine
16 Strokes
- 雇
employ; to hire
12 Strokes
- 靠
lean on; trust; depend on; near
15 Strokes
- 顧
look back; look at; look after
21 Strokes
- 高
high; tall; lofty; elevated
10 Strokes
- 鴣
species of Taiwan pigeon
16 Strokes
- 鷱
23 Strokes
- 鼓
drum; beat; top; strike
13 Strokes
- 鼔
drum; beat; top; strike
13 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (하 32)
- 㗿
16 Strokes
- 㦆
14 Strokes
- 㰤
9 Strokes
- 下
under; underneath; below; down; inferior; bring down
3 Strokes
- 何
what; why; where; which; how
7 Strokes
- 厦
big building; mansion
12 Strokes
- 呀
particle used to express surprise or mild emphasis; (Cant.) slurred form of the number ten
7 Strokes
- 哬
sound; voice; noise; tone; music
10 Strokes
- 嚇
scare; frighten; intimidate
17 Strokes
- 夏
summer; great; grand; big
10 Strokes
- 岈
name of land
7 Strokes
- 廈
big building; mansion
13 Strokes
- 懗
17 Strokes
- 抲
8 Strokes
- 昰
var of 'to be'; 'summer'; name
9 Strokes
- 河
river; stream; yellow river
8 Strokes
- 煆
raging fire
13 Strokes
- 瑕
flaw in gem; fault; defect
13 Strokes
- 瘕
asthma; disese of the bowels
14 Strokes
- 碬
14 Strokes
- 罅
crack; fissure; split
17 Strokes
- 荷
lotus; water lily; holland
13 Strokes
- 蕸
15 Strokes
- 蝦
shrimp; prawn
15 Strokes
- 賀
congratulate; send present
12 Strokes
- 赮
red; communist; 'red'; bare
16 Strokes
- 遐
afar; distant; old; advanced in
13 Strokes
- 鍜
17 Strokes
- 閜
크게 열릴, / 공허할
13 Strokes
- 霞
rosy clouds
17 Strokes
- 鰕
shrimp; prawn
20 Strokes
- 𧬂
19 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (르 0)
Annual birth count(person) of Not provided
The black stacked bar area is a estimated value of 2024 year
is divided by the real time cumulative daily birth count of this year and multiplied by 365(366 at leap
If count is under 10, it will not provided.
Boy name ranking of Not provided
Since 2008 to 2024, Boy name ranking
At , The rank was
Girl name ranking of Not provided
Since 2008 to 2024, Girl name ranking
At 2021year,2021year,2021year, The rank was
Questions or opinions of the name 레베카고하르 (Not provided)