Name ranking, statistics Serviced By ""
The name '
세린로사(Not provided)' is that since 2008 year to
2024 year totally
1 people was
birthed in Korea.
Boys are totally
0, Girls are totally
1 persons.
세린로사' is a style of Girl name.
Most birthed season is
Girl name ranking is
9,894 of 26,991.
The Long-term trend of the name '세린로사' of is
sidle along,,
3-years recent trend is
sidle along,.
The 세린로사's Romaji(English) Expression is '
Not provided'.
Other english spelling variations of this name are
Se Rin Ro Sa , Se Lin Ro Sa , Sae Rin Ro Sa , Sae Lin Ro Sa , Sea Rin Ro Sa , Sea Lin Ro Sa , Sei Rin Ro Sa , Sei Lin Ro Sa
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Chinese Characters Information
Your can make meanings of this name Not provided with combinations of chinese characters(with
Chinese characters for Korean name (세 15)
- 世
generation; world; era
5 Strokes
- 勢
power; force; tendency
13 Strokes
- 帨
handkerchief; kerchief; shawl
10 Strokes
- 彗
broomstick; comet
11 Strokes
- 忕
익힐, 사치할
6 Strokes
- 歲
year; age; harvest
13 Strokes
- 涗
잿물, 미지근할 , 맑을
10 Strokes
- 稅
taxes; revenue; duty; tax
12 Strokes
- 笹
small bamboo
11 Strokes
- 細
fine; tiny; slender; thin
11 Strokes
- 繐
fine cloth
18 Strokes
- 蛻
molt; exuviate; shed
13 Strokes
- 貰
borrow; pardon; loan
12 Strokes
- 銴
구리 녹날
15 Strokes
- 𡜧
9 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (린 30)
- 䗲
18 Strokes
- 吝
stingy; miserly; parsimonious
7 Strokes
- 嶙
15 Strokes
- 悋
stingy; sparing of; closefisted
10 Strokes
- 撛
long and curved
15 Strokes
- 斴
돌사이로흐르는 물소리
16 Strokes
- 暽
cover over; hide; narrow-necked
16 Strokes
- 橉
나무껍질, 지방
16 Strokes
- 潾
clear water
15 Strokes
- 焛
flame; blaze; glowing; blazing
12 Strokes
- 燐
16 Strokes
- 獜
건강할, 짐승이름
15 Strokes
- 璘
luster of jade
16 Strokes
- 瞵
look; see; examine; scrutinize
17 Strokes
- 磷
phosphorus; water rushing between
17 Strokes
- 粦
12 Strokes
- 粼
14 Strokes
- 繗
continue; maintain; carry on
18 Strokes
- 藺
rush used in making mats; surname
22 Strokes
- 躙
trample down; oppress; overrun
23 Strokes
- 躪
trample down; oppress; overrun
27 Strokes
- 轔
rumbling of vehicles; threshold
19 Strokes
- 鄰
neighbor; neighborhood
15 Strokes
- 鏻
20 Strokes
- 閵
밟을, 새이
16 Strokes
- 隣
neighbor; neighboring; adjacent
15 Strokes
- 驎
an excellent horse
22 Strokes
- 鱗
fish scales
23 Strokes
- 麟
female of Chinese unicorn
23 Strokes
- 𪊭
17 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (로 3)
- 㯝
16 Strokes
- 攎
당길, 베풀
19 Strokes
- 鏴
21 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (사 83)
- 㡸
8 Strokes
- 乍
first time; for the first time
5 Strokes
- 事
affair; matter; business; to serve; accident; incident
8 Strokes
- 些
little; few; rather; somewhat
7 Strokes
- 仕
official; serve government
5 Strokes
- 伺
serve; wait upon; attend; examine
7 Strokes
- 似
resemble; similar to; as if; seem
7 Strokes
- 使
cause; send on a mission; order; envoy; messenger; ambassador
8 Strokes
- 俟
wait for; wait until; as soon as
9 Strokes
- 傞
12 Strokes
- 僿
small; minute; lacking sincerity
15 Strokes
- 儩
17 Strokes
- 剚
10 Strokes
- 卸
lay down; retire from office
8 Strokes
- 史
history; chronicle; annals
5 Strokes
- 司
take charge of; control; manage; officer
5 Strokes
- 咋
question-forming particle; why? how? what?; to bite; loud
8 Strokes
- 唆
make mischief; incite; instigate
10 Strokes
- 嗣
to connect; inherit; descendants; heirs
13 Strokes
- 四
5 Strokes
- 士
scholar; gentleman; soldier
3 Strokes
- 奢
extravagant; wasteful; exaggerate
12 Strokes
- 姒
wife of elder brother
8 Strokes
- 娑
dance; frolic; lounge; saunter
10 Strokes
- 寫
write; draw; sketch; compose
15 Strokes
- 寺
court; office; temple; monastery
6 Strokes
- 射
shoot; eject; issue forth; emit
10 Strokes
- 巳
the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch
3 Strokes
- 師
teacher; master; specialist; multitude; troops
10 Strokes
- 徙
move one's abode; shift; migrate
11 Strokes
- 思
think; consider; ponder; final particle
9 Strokes
- 捨
discard; give up willingly; give alms
11 Strokes
- 斜
slanting; sloping; inclined
11 Strokes
- 斯
this; thus; such; to lop off; emphatic particle
12 Strokes
- 柶
9 Strokes
- 査
investigate; examine; seek into
9 Strokes
- 梭
weaver's shuttle; go to and fro
11 Strokes
- 楂
a raft; to hew; to fell trees
13 Strokes
- 榭
kiosk; pavilion
14 Strokes
- 死
die; dead; death
6 Strokes
- 汜
a stream which leaves the main branch then later returns
6 Strokes
- 沙
sand; gravel; pebbles; granulated
7 Strokes
- 泗
mucous; nasal flow; sniffle; river in Shandong
8 Strokes
- 涘
jetty; submerged rock; eddy
10 Strokes
- 渣
refuse; dregs; lees; sediment
12 Strokes
- 瀉
drain off; leak; flow; pour down
18 Strokes
- 獅
13 Strokes
- 痧
cholera; colic
12 Strokes
- 皶
14 Strokes
- 砂
sand; pebbles; gravel; gritty
9 Strokes
- 社
god of the soil and altars to him; group of families; company; society
8 Strokes
- 祀
to sacrifice; worship
8 Strokes
- 祠
ancestral temple; offer sacrifice
10 Strokes
- 禠
blessing; happiness; prosperity
14 Strokes
- 私
private; personal; secret
7 Strokes
- 竢
wait for; wait until; as soon as
12 Strokes
- 笥
a hamper; wicker basket
11 Strokes
- 篩
sieve; filter; screen; sift
16 Strokes
- 糸
silk; KangXi radical 120
6 Strokes
- 紗
gauze; thin silk; yarn; thread
10 Strokes
- 絲
silk; fine thread; wire; strings
12 Strokes
- 肆
indulge; excess; numeral four; particle meaning now; therefore; shop
13 Strokes
- 舍
house; dwelling; dwell; reside
8 Strokes
- 莎
kind of sedge grass; used anciently for raincoats
13 Strokes
- 蓑
rain coat made of straw; coir; etc.
16 Strokes
- 蛇
11 Strokes
- 蜡
wax; candle; waxy; glazed; maggot; as a non-simplified form sometimes used as an equivalent to U+410D (䄍); meaning imperial harvest
14 Strokes
- 裟
a cassock or robe of a monk
13 Strokes
- 覗
12 Strokes
- 詐
cheat; defraud; swindle; trick; to feign
12 Strokes
- 詞
words; phrase; expression
12 Strokes
- 謝
thank; decline
17 Strokes
- 賜
give; bestow favors; appoint
15 Strokes
- 赦
forgive; remit; pardon
11 Strokes
- 辭
words; speech; expression; phrase
19 Strokes
- 邪
wrong; evil; depraved; vicious; perverse; heterodox
7 Strokes
- 飼
raise animals; feed; nourish
14 Strokes
- 駛
sail; drive; pilot; fast; quick
15 Strokes
- 駟
team of four horses
15 Strokes
- 魦
shark family; including some rays and skates
15 Strokes
- 鯊
18 Strokes
- 鰤
a yellowtail (fish)
21 Strokes
- 麝
musk deer
21 Strokes
Annual birth count(person) of Not provided
The black stacked bar area is a estimated value of 2024 year
is divided by the real time cumulative daily birth count of this year and multiplied by 365(366 at leap
If count is under 10, it will not provided.
Questions or opinions of the name 세린로사 (Not provided)