Name ranking, statistics Serviced By ""
The name '
패트릭승(Not provided)' is that since 2008 year to
2024 year totally
1 people was
birthed in Korea.
Boys are totally
1, Girls are totally
0 persons.
패트릭승' is a style of Boy name.
Most birthed season is
Boy name ranking is
15,058 of 34,353.
The Long-term trend of the name '패트릭승' of is
sidle along,,
3-years recent trend is
sidle along,.
The 패트릭승's Romaji(English) Expression is '
Not provided'.
Other english spelling variations of this name are
(N/A) (N/A) Rik Seung , (N/A) (N/A) Rik Sung , (N/A) (N/A) Rik Seong , (N/A) (N/A) Rik Seng , (N/A) (N/A) Rik Seoung
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Chinese Characters Information
Your can make meanings of this name Not provided with combinations of chinese characters(with
Chinese characters for Korean name (패 15)
- 佩
belt ornament; pendant; wear at waist; tie to the belt; respect
8 Strokes
- 唄
final particle of assertion pathaka
10 Strokes
- 孛
7 Strokes
- 悖
be contradictory to; go counter
10 Strokes
- 敗
be defeated; decline; fail
11 Strokes
- 旆
flag ornament; flags; banners
10 Strokes
- 沛
abundant; full; copious; sudden
7 Strokes
- 浿
물이름, 물가
10 Strokes
- 牌
signboard; placard
12 Strokes
- 狽
a legendary animal with short forelegs which rode a wolf
10 Strokes
- 珮
jade ornament
10 Strokes
- 稗
darnels; weeds; tares small
13 Strokes
- 覇
rule by might rather than right
19 Strokes
- 霈
torrential rains; flow of water
15 Strokes
- 霸
rule by might rather than right
21 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (트 0)
Chinese characters for Korean name (릭 0)
Chinese characters for Korean name (승 23)
- 㞼
8 Strokes
- 㴍
11 Strokes
- 丞
assist; aid; rescue
6 Strokes
- 乘
ride; ascend; avail oneself of; numerary adjunct for vehicles
10 Strokes
- 僧
Buddhist priest; monk; san of Sanskrit sangha
14 Strokes
- 勝
victory; excel; be better than
12 Strokes
- 升
arise; go up; hoist; advance
4 Strokes
- 呏
용량의 단위 갤런(gallon) 승; gallon; quart
7 Strokes
- 塍
a raised path between fields; a dike
13 Strokes
- 嵊
name of land
13 Strokes
- 承
inherit; receive; succeed
8 Strokes
- 昇
rise; ascent; peaceful; peace
8 Strokes
- 枡
8 Strokes
- 榺
바디, 도토마리
14 Strokes
- 氶
도울, 현이름
5 Strokes
- 洆
drown; submerge in water; indulge
9 Strokes
- 繩
rope; string; cord; measure; restrain
19 Strokes
- 蠅
19 Strokes
- 阩
陞,)과 同字
6 Strokes
- 陞
promote; rise; ascend
10 Strokes
- 陹
rising sun; sunshine
10 Strokes
- 鬙
matted hair
22 Strokes
- 鵿
rise; mount; board; climb
19 Strokes
Annual birth count(person) of Not provided
The black stacked bar area is a estimated value of 2024 year
is divided by the real time cumulative daily birth count of this year and multiplied by 365(366 at leap
If count is under 10, it will not provided.
Questions or opinions of the name 패트릭승 (Not provided)