Name ranking, statistics Serviced By ""
The name '
나빈세자드(Not provided)' is that since 2008 year to
2024 year totally
1 people was
birthed in Korea.
Boys are totally
0, Girls are totally
1 persons.
나빈세자드' is a style of Girl name.
Most birthed season is
Girl name ranking is
9,894 of 26,991.
The Long-term trend of the name '나빈세자드' of is
sidle along,,
3-years recent trend is
sidle along,.
The 나빈세자드's Romaji(English) Expression is '
Not provided'.
Other english spelling variations of this name are
Na Bin Se Ja Deu , Na Bin Se Cha Deu , Na Bin Sae Ja Deu , Na Bin Sae Cha Deu , Na Bin Sea Ja Deu , Na Bin Sea Cha Deu , Na Bin Sei Ja Deu , Na Bin Sei Cha Deu
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Chinese Characters Information
Your can make meanings of this name Not provided with combinations of chinese characters(with
Chinese characters for Korean name (나 43)
- 䏧
I; you; family name
10 Strokes
- 䛔
I; you; family name
13 Strokes
- 倮
bare; naked; uncovered
10 Strokes
- 儸
bandit; daredevil
21 Strokes
- 儺
21 Strokes
- 剆
strike; hit; beat; attack; fight
8 Strokes
- 哪
which? where? how?
10 Strokes
- 喇
horn; bugle; lama; final particle
12 Strokes
- 囉
exclamatory final particle; nag
22 Strokes
- 奈
but; how; bear; stand; endure
8 Strokes
- 娜
elegant; graceful; delicate
10 Strokes
- 懦
weak; timid; cowardly
17 Strokes
- 懶
lazy; languid; listless
19 Strokes
- 拏
take; bring; grasp; hold; arrest
9 Strokes
- 拿
take; hold; grasp; bring; with
10 Strokes
- 挐
10 Strokes
- 挪
move; shift on one side
10 Strokes
- 摞
collect; gather; store; profound; (Budd.) skandha
14 Strokes
- 曪
23 Strokes
- 柰
crab-apple tree; endure; bear
9 Strokes
- 梛
sandalwood; tree used as timber
11 Strokes
- 橠
16 Strokes
- 瘰
scrofula; swellings
16 Strokes
- 癩
leprosy; scabies; mange; shoddy
21 Strokes
- 砢
pile of stones
10 Strokes
- 稬
glutinous rice; glutinous; sticky
14 Strokes
- 糯
glutinous rice; glutinous; sticky
20 Strokes
- 羅
net for catching birds; gauze
19 Strokes
- 腡
12 Strokes
- 臝
be bare; nude
21 Strokes
- 蓏
13 Strokes
- 蘿
type of creeping plant; turnip
25 Strokes
- 螺
spiral shell; conch; spiral
17 Strokes
- 裸
bare; nude; undress; strip
14 Strokes
- 覶
차례, 곡진할, 자세히볼, 좋게볼
19 Strokes
- 誽
떠볼, 탐색할
15 Strokes
- 邏
patrol; inspect; watch
23 Strokes
- 那
that; that one; those
7 Strokes
- 鑼
27 Strokes
- 騾
21 Strokes
- 驘
23 Strokes
- 𡖔
I; you; family name
10 Strokes
- 𣃽
I; you; family name
12 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (빈 32)
- 䎙
20 Strokes
- 份
portion; part; duty
6 Strokes
- 儐
entertain guests
16 Strokes
- 嚬
19 Strokes
- 嬪
court lady; palace maid
17 Strokes
- 彬
cultivated; well-bred
11 Strokes
- 擯
exclude; expel; reject; usher
17 Strokes
- 斌
refined; having both appearance
11 Strokes
- 檳
betelnut; areca nut
18 Strokes
- 殯
encoffin; embalm; funeral
18 Strokes
- 浜
creek; stream; beach; sea coast
10 Strokes
- 濱
beach; sea coast; river bank
17 Strokes
- 瀕
approach; be on verge of; near
19 Strokes
- 牝
female of species; deep gorge
6 Strokes
- 玭
jade; rare; precious; elegant
8 Strokes
- 璸
진주이름, 옥무늬어룽거릴
18 Strokes
- 矉
an angry glare; to open the eyes with anger
19 Strokes
- 穦
fragrance; scent; aroma
19 Strokes
- 繽
flourishing; thriving; abundant
20 Strokes
- 臏
the kneecap
18 Strokes
- 蘋
22 Strokes
- 蠙
20 Strokes
- 貧
poor; impoverished; needy
11 Strokes
- 賓
guest; visitor; surname; submit
14 Strokes
- 贇
affable; agreeable; pleasant
19 Strokes
- 邠
county in Shaanxi province
7 Strokes
- 鑌
high quality iron
22 Strokes
- 霦
19 Strokes
- 頻
frequently; again and again
16 Strokes
- 顰
frown; knit brows; with knitted
24 Strokes
- 馪
23 Strokes
- 鬢
hair on temples
24 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (세 15)
- 世
generation; world; era
5 Strokes
- 勢
power; force; tendency
13 Strokes
- 帨
handkerchief; kerchief; shawl
10 Strokes
- 彗
broomstick; comet
11 Strokes
- 忕
익힐, 사치할
6 Strokes
- 歲
year; age; harvest
13 Strokes
- 涗
잿물, 미지근할 , 맑을
10 Strokes
- 稅
taxes; revenue; duty; tax
12 Strokes
- 笹
small bamboo
11 Strokes
- 細
fine; tiny; slender; thin
11 Strokes
- 繐
fine cloth
18 Strokes
- 蛻
molt; exuviate; shed
13 Strokes
- 貰
borrow; pardon; loan
12 Strokes
- 銴
구리 녹날
15 Strokes
- 𡜧
9 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (자 56)
- 䛋
Chinese measure approx. 'foot'
12 Strokes
- 仔
small thing; child; young animal
5 Strokes
- 刺
stab; prick; irritate; prod
8 Strokes
- 呰
약할, 헐뜯 을
8 Strokes
- 咨
inquire; consult; discuss; plan
9 Strokes
- 姉
elder sister
8 Strokes
- 姊
elder sister
7 Strokes
- 姿
one's manner; carriage; bearing
9 Strokes
- 嬨
17 Strokes
- 子
offspring; child; fruit; seed of; 1st terrestrial branch
3 Strokes
- 孖
6 Strokes
- 字
letter; character; word
6 Strokes
- 孜
be as diligent as possible
7 Strokes
- 孶
variant of 孳 U+5B73; to breed in large numbers
14 Strokes
- 恣
indulge oneself; unrestrained
10 Strokes
- 慈
kind; charitable; benevolent
14 Strokes
- 柘
a thorny tree; sugarcane
9 Strokes
- 泚
clear; bright and brilliant; swea
9 Strokes
- 滋
grow; multiply; increase; thrive
12 Strokes
- 炙
roast; broil; toast; cauterize
8 Strokes
- 煮
12 Strokes
- 牸
the female of certain animals; to bring forth young of animals
10 Strokes
- 玆
now; here; this; time; year
10 Strokes
- 瓷
crockery; porcelain; chinaware
11 Strokes
- 疵
flaw; fault; defect; disease
10 Strokes
- 眥
eye sockets; corner of the eyes
10 Strokes
- 眦
corner of the eyes; eyesockets
10 Strokes
- 磁
magnetic; magnetism; porcelain
14 Strokes
- 秄
8 Strokes
- 籽
9 Strokes
- 粢
grain offered in ritual sacrifice; millet
12 Strokes
- 紫
purple; violet; amethyst; surname
11 Strokes
- 者
that which; he who; those who
10 Strokes
- 耔
to hoe up the earth around plants
9 Strokes
- 胾
minced meat; to cut meat into pieces
12 Strokes
- 自
self; private; personal; from
6 Strokes
- 茈
a plant yielding a red dye
11 Strokes
- 茨
caltrop; tribulus terrestris
12 Strokes
- 茲
now; here; this; time; year
12 Strokes
- 莿
14 Strokes
- 蔗
sugar cane
17 Strokes
- 藉
mat; pad; rely on; pretext
20 Strokes
- 虸
9 Strokes
- 觜
13 Strokes
- 訾
bad-mouth; criticize; defects
12 Strokes
- 諮
consult; confer; communicate in
16 Strokes
- 貲
property; wealth; to count
12 Strokes
- 資
property; wealth; capital
13 Strokes
- 赭
reddish brown; hematite; ochre
16 Strokes
- 鎡
hoe; mattock
18 Strokes
- 雌
female; feminine; gentle; soft
13 Strokes
- 頿
17 Strokes
- 髭
15 Strokes
- 鮓
minced and salted fish; to preserve
16 Strokes
- 鶿
21 Strokes
- 鷓
22 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (드 0)
Annual birth count(person) of Not provided
The black stacked bar area is a estimated value of 2024 year
is divided by the real time cumulative daily birth count of this year and multiplied by 365(366 at leap
If count is under 10, it will not provided.
Boy name ranking of Not provided
Since 2008 to 2024, Boy name ranking
At , The rank was
Girl name ranking of Not provided
Since 2008 to 2024, Girl name ranking
At 2012year,2012year,2012year,2012year, The rank was
Questions or opinions of the name 나빈세자드 (Not provided)