Name ranking, statistics Serviced By ""
The name '
라일리한누리(Not provided)' is that since 2008 year to
2024 year totally
1 people was
birthed in Korea.
Boys are totally
0, Girls are totally
1 persons.
라일리한누리' is a style of Girl name.
Most birthed season is
Girl name ranking is
9,894 of 26,991.
The Long-term trend of the name '라일리한누리' of is
sidle along,,
3-years recent trend is
sidle along,.
The 라일리한누리's Romaji(English) Expression is '
Not provided'.
Other english spelling variations of this name are
Ra Il Ri Han Nu Ri , Ra Il Ri Han Noo Ri
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Chinese Characters Information
Your can make meanings of this name Not provided with combinations of chinese characters(with
Chinese characters for Korean name (라 6)
- 䊨
18 Strokes
- 欏
23 Strokes
- 灕
21 Strokes
- 纙
25 Strokes
- 蠃
the solitary wasp
19 Strokes
- 覼
좋게볼, 곡진할
21 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (일 16)
- 䒤
wash in sieve; weed out
10 Strokes
- 一
one; a; an; alone
1 Strokes
- 佚
indulge in pleasures; flee
7 Strokes
- 佾
a row or file of dancers
8 Strokes
- 劮
기쁠, 외람할, 방탕할
7 Strokes
- 壹
number one
12 Strokes
- 妷
8 Strokes
- 日
sun; day; daytime
4 Strokes
- 泆
licentious; libertine; dissipated
8 Strokes
- 浂
jetty; submerged rock; eddy
9 Strokes
- 溢
overflow; brim over; full
13 Strokes
- 軼
rush forth; surpass; excel
12 Strokes
- 逸
flee; escape; break loose
12 Strokes
- 鎰
measure of weight for gold
18 Strokes
- 馹
post horse; relay horse
14 Strokes
- 𨓜
wash in sieve; weed out
10 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (리 45)
- 俐
smooth; active; clever; sharp
9 Strokes
- 俚
rustic; vulgar; unpolished; mean
9 Strokes
- 利
gains; advantage; profit; merit
7 Strokes
- 剺
13 Strokes
- 厘
thousandth part of tael
9 Strokes
- 吏
government official; magistrate
6 Strokes
- 哩
10 Strokes
- 唎
sound; noise; final particle
10 Strokes
- 娌
wives of one's brothers; sister-i
10 Strokes
- 嫠
a widow
14 Strokes
- 履
footwear; shoes; walk on; tread
15 Strokes
- 悧
smooth; active; clever; sharp
10 Strokes
- 摛
stretch; extend; expand; sheet
13 Strokes
- 攡
stretch; extend; expand; sheet
21 Strokes
- 李
plum; judge; surname
7 Strokes
- 梨
pear; opera; cut; slash
11 Strokes
- 浬
nautical mile
10 Strokes
- 涖
river in Hebei province; creek
10 Strokes
- 漓
river in Guangxi province
13 Strokes
- 犁
11 Strokes
- 犂
brindled ox; brindled in color
12 Strokes
- 狸
10 Strokes
- 理
reason; logic; manage
11 Strokes
- 璃
15 Strokes
- 痢
12 Strokes
- 离
rare beast; strange; elegant
11 Strokes
- 籬
bamboo or wooden fence; hedge
25 Strokes
- 罹
sorrow; grief; incur; meet with
16 Strokes
- 羸
weak; lean; emaciated; exhausted
19 Strokes
- 莅
attend; be present; arrive at
13 Strokes
- 莉
white jasmine
13 Strokes
- 蜊
13 Strokes
- 螭
a dragon whose horns have not grown; cruel
17 Strokes
- 裏
inside; interior; within
13 Strokes
- 裡
inside; interior; within
13 Strokes
- 貍
a fox-like animal
14 Strokes
- 邐
meandering; winding
23 Strokes
- 里
unit of distance; village; lane
7 Strokes
- 釐
manage; control; 1/1000 of a foot
18 Strokes
- 離
leave; depart; go away; separate
19 Strokes
- 魑
a mountain demon resembling a tiger
21 Strokes
- 鯉
18 Strokes
- 鸝
the owl
30 Strokes
- 黐
to stick; sticky
22 Strokes
- 𢻠
16 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (한 35)
- 䦥
one; a; an; alone
16 Strokes
- 僩
courageous; martial; dignified
14 Strokes
- 嫺
refined; elegant; gracious
15 Strokes
- 嫻
elegant; refined; skillful
15 Strokes
- 寒
cold; wintry; chilly
12 Strokes
- 恨
hatred; dislike; resent; hate
9 Strokes
- 悍
courageous; brave; violent
10 Strokes
- 憪
마음고요할, 말더듬거릴
15 Strokes
- 扞
ward off; withstand; resist
6 Strokes
- 捍
ward off; guard against; defend
10 Strokes
- 旱
drought; dry; dry land
7 Strokes
- 晘
one; a; an; alone
11 Strokes
- 暵
dry by exposing sun
15 Strokes
- 橌
one; a; an; alone
16 Strokes
- 汗
perspiration; sweat
6 Strokes
- 漢
the Chinese people; Chinese language
14 Strokes
- 澖
broad; wide; open; empty; to expand
15 Strokes
- 澣
cleanse; wash
16 Strokes
- 瀚
vast; wide; extensive
19 Strokes
- 熯
by fire
15 Strokes
- 罕
rare; scarce; surname
8 Strokes
- 翰
writing brush; pen; pencil
16 Strokes
- 邗
an ancient place in the state of Wu
6 Strokes
- 釬
11 Strokes
- 銲
15 Strokes
- 閈
11 Strokes
- 閑
fence; barrier; defend; idle time
12 Strokes
- 閒
peaceful; tranquil; calm
12 Strokes
- 限
boundary; limit; line
9 Strokes
- 雗
18 Strokes
- 韓
fence; surname; Korea
17 Strokes
- 駻
to rage; run wild
17 Strokes
- 鷳
the silver pheasant; Lophura nycthemera
23 Strokes
- 鼾
snore loudly
17 Strokes
- 𡽜
one; a; an; alone
17 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (누 25)
- 僂
humpback; surname
13 Strokes
- 啂
11 Strokes
- 嘍
used in onomatopoetic expressions
14 Strokes
- 壘
rampart; military wall
18 Strokes
- 婁
surname; a constellation; to wear
11 Strokes
- 屢
frequently; often; again and again
14 Strokes
- 嶁
Goulou mountain peak in Hunan
14 Strokes
- 慺
the gizzard of a fowl; honest; sincere
14 Strokes
- 摟
안을, 긁을
14 Strokes
- 樓
building of two or more stories
15 Strokes
- 檽
18 Strokes
- 淚
tears; weep; cry
11 Strokes
- 漏
leak; drip; funnel; hour glass
14 Strokes
- 熡
flame; blaze; glowing; blazing
15 Strokes
- 瘻
fistula; sore; ulcer; goiter
16 Strokes
- 累
tired; implicate; involve; bother
11 Strokes
- 縷
thread; detailed; precise
17 Strokes
- 耨
hoe; rake; weed
16 Strokes
- 耬
drill for sowing grain
17 Strokes
- 蔞
Artemisia stelleriana
17 Strokes
- 螻
a mole cricket; Gryllotalpa africana
17 Strokes
- 褸
lapel; collar; tattered; threadbare
17 Strokes
- 鏤
carve; inlay; engrave; tattoo
19 Strokes
- 陋
narrow; crude; coarse; ugly
9 Strokes
- 髏
skull; skeleton
21 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (리 45)
- 俐
smooth; active; clever; sharp
9 Strokes
- 俚
rustic; vulgar; unpolished; mean
9 Strokes
- 利
gains; advantage; profit; merit
7 Strokes
- 剺
13 Strokes
- 厘
thousandth part of tael
9 Strokes
- 吏
government official; magistrate
6 Strokes
- 哩
10 Strokes
- 唎
sound; noise; final particle
10 Strokes
- 娌
wives of one's brothers; sister-i
10 Strokes
- 嫠
a widow
14 Strokes
- 履
footwear; shoes; walk on; tread
15 Strokes
- 悧
smooth; active; clever; sharp
10 Strokes
- 摛
stretch; extend; expand; sheet
13 Strokes
- 攡
stretch; extend; expand; sheet
21 Strokes
- 李
plum; judge; surname
7 Strokes
- 梨
pear; opera; cut; slash
11 Strokes
- 浬
nautical mile
10 Strokes
- 涖
river in Hebei province; creek
10 Strokes
- 漓
river in Guangxi province
13 Strokes
- 犁
11 Strokes
- 犂
brindled ox; brindled in color
12 Strokes
- 狸
10 Strokes
- 理
reason; logic; manage
11 Strokes
- 璃
15 Strokes
- 痢
12 Strokes
- 离
rare beast; strange; elegant
11 Strokes
- 籬
bamboo or wooden fence; hedge
25 Strokes
- 罹
sorrow; grief; incur; meet with
16 Strokes
- 羸
weak; lean; emaciated; exhausted
19 Strokes
- 莅
attend; be present; arrive at
13 Strokes
- 莉
white jasmine
13 Strokes
- 蜊
13 Strokes
- 螭
a dragon whose horns have not grown; cruel
17 Strokes
- 裏
inside; interior; within
13 Strokes
- 裡
inside; interior; within
13 Strokes
- 貍
a fox-like animal
14 Strokes
- 邐
meandering; winding
23 Strokes
- 里
unit of distance; village; lane
7 Strokes
- 釐
manage; control; 1/1000 of a foot
18 Strokes
- 離
leave; depart; go away; separate
19 Strokes
- 魑
a mountain demon resembling a tiger
21 Strokes
- 鯉
18 Strokes
- 鸝
the owl
30 Strokes
- 黐
to stick; sticky
22 Strokes
- 𢻠
16 Strokes
Annual birth count(person) of Not provided
The black stacked bar area is a estimated value of 2024 year
is divided by the real time cumulative daily birth count of this year and multiplied by 365(366 at leap
If count is under 10, it will not provided.
Boy name ranking of Not provided
Since 2008 to 2024, Boy name ranking
At , The rank was
Girl name ranking of Not provided
Since 2008 to 2024, Girl name ranking
At 2017year,2017year,2017year,2017year, The rank was
Questions or opinions of the name 라일리한누리 (Not provided)