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The name '아이린일라이자(Not provided)' is that since 2008 year to 2024 year totally 1 people was birthed in Korea.
Boys are totally 0, Girls are totally 1 persons.
'아이린일라이자' is a style of Girl name.
Most birthed season is Winter.
Girl name ranking is 9,894 of 26,991.
The Long-term trend of the name '아이린일라이자' of is sidle along,,
3-years recent trend is sidle along,.
The 아이린일라이자's Romaji(English) Expression is 'Not provided'.
Other english spelling variations of this name are
A Lee Rin Il Ra Lee Ja , A Lee Rin Il Ra Lee Cha , A Lee Rin Il Ra I Ja , A Lee Rin Il Ra I Cha , A Lee Lin Il Ra Lee Ja , A Lee Lin Il Ra Lee Cha , A Lee Lin Il Ra I Ja , A Lee Lin Il Ra I Cha , A I Rin Il Ra Lee Ja , A I Rin Il Ra Lee Cha , A I Rin Il Ra I Ja , A I Rin Il Ra I Cha , A I Lin Il Ra Lee Ja , A I Lin Il Ra Lee Cha , A I Lin Il Ra I Ja , A I Lin Il Ra I Cha , Ah Lee Rin Il Ra Lee Ja , Ah Lee Rin Il Ra Lee Cha , Ah Lee Rin Il Ra I Ja , Ah Lee Rin Il Ra I Cha , Ah Lee Lin Il Ra Lee Ja , Ah Lee Lin Il Ra Lee Cha , Ah Lee Lin Il Ra I Ja , Ah Lee Lin Il Ra I Cha , Ah I Rin Il Ra Lee Ja , Ah I Rin Il Ra Lee Cha , Ah I Rin Il Ra I Ja , Ah I Rin Il Ra I Cha , Ah I Lin Il Ra Lee Ja , Ah I Lin Il Ra Lee Cha , Ah I Lin Il Ra I Ja , Ah I Lin Il Ra I Cha  
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아린(Arin)    소이(Soi)    아영(Ayeong)    서현(Seohyeon)    서연(Seoyeon)    다윤(Dayun)    하율(Hayul)    은서(Eunseo)    시은(Sieun)    유진(Yujin)    주하(Juha)    다인(Dain)    예진(Yejin)    수민(Sumin)    하연(Hayeon)     

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Chinese Characters Information

Your can make meanings of this name Not provided with combinations of chinese characters(with meaning).

Chinese characters for Korean name (아 51)

12 Strokes

11 Strokes
forked; bifurcation
3 Strokes
Asia; second
7 Strokes
Asia; second; used as a prefix to names
8 Strokes
sudden(ly); soon; Russian
9 Strokes
son; child; oneself; final part
7 Strokes
son; child; oneself; final part
8 Strokes
oh? really? is that so?
10 Strokes
exclamatory particle
11 Strokes
dumb; mute; become hoarse
11 Strokes
administrative division
8 Strokes
8 Strokes
be beautiful; good; surname
10 Strokes
seductive and loveable; tender
11 Strokes
be beautiful; be graceful
11 Strokes
wives of one's brothers; sister-i
11 Strokes
baby; infant; bother
11 Strokes
10 Strokes
10 Strokes
집, 대청, 덮을
7 Strokes
our; us; i; me; my; we
7 Strokes
바퀴테, 가장귀, 가새목자를
8 Strokes
forked; bifurcation
12 Strokes
tooth; molars; teeth; serrated
4 Strokes
exclamation of admiration
11 Strokes
name of land
8 Strokes
large jade tablet used by officials at court to indicate their ranks
11 Strokes
roll; bolt of cloth; foot
5 Strokes
illness; sickness; disease; pain
10 Strokes
12 Strokes
볼, 갑자기
12 Strokes
to grind; to calender; to polish; to roll with a stone roller
9 Strokes
12 Strokes
대순, 죽순
10 Strokes
bud; sprout; shoot
10 Strokes
13 Strokes
13 Strokes
public office; official residence
13 Strokes
덮을, 가리어숨길
6 Strokes
express surprise; be surprised
11 Strokes
wrong; evil; depraved; vicious; perverse; heterodox
14 Strokes
to go to meet; to receive; as a guest
8 Strokes
작은가마, 작은도끼
13 Strokes
soft steel; ammonium
16 Strokes
prefix for people's names; used in transliteration
8 Strokes
elegant; graceful; refined
12 Strokes
hungry; greedy for; hunger
16 Strokes
crow; raven; Corvus species (various)
15 Strokes
18 Strokes
18 Strokes

Chinese characters for Korean name (이 56)

louse; bug; parasite
14 Strokes
louse; bug; parasite
9 Strokes
louse; bug; parasite
10 Strokes
louse; bug; parasite
10 Strokes
two; twice
2 Strokes
by means of; thereby; therefore; consider as; in order to
5 Strokes
third person pronoun; he; she; this; that
6 Strokes
a second; an assistant
8 Strokes
descriptive of creaking; laugh
9 Strokes
ancient barbarian tribes
6 Strokes
mother/wife's sister; concubine
9 Strokes
13 Strokes
you; that; those; final particle
5 Strokes
Kunlun mountains in Jiangsu
9 Strokes
already; finished; stop
3 Strokes
10 Strokes
respect; honor; respectfully
14 Strokes
loosen; relax; unstring a bow
6 Strokes
yi; tripod; wine vessel; rule
16 Strokes
yi; tripod; wine vessel; rule
18 Strokes
harmony; pleasure; joy; be glad
8 Strokes
9 Strokes
12 Strokes
sandalwood; tree used as timber
7 Strokes
두공, 버섯이름
10 Strokes
버섯, 느타리
10 Strokes
14 Strokes
snivel; mucus from nose
9 Strokes
river in Jiangxi province; water leaking into a boat
9 Strokes
river in Jiangxi province; water leaking into a boat
9 Strokes
you; that; those; final particle
14 Strokes
옥돌, 용무늬있는올옷
9 Strokes
ear ornament; stick; insert
10 Strokes
different; unusual; strange
12 Strokes
wound; bruise; sore
11 Strokes
change place; shift; move about
11 Strokes
and; and then; and yet; but
6 Strokes
ear; merely; only; handle
6 Strokes
gentle and affable
12 Strokes
learn; practice; study; toil
13 Strokes
11 Strokes
sprouts; tares
12 Strokes
17 Strokes
deceive; cheat; arrogant
10 Strokes
bequeath; pass on to future generations
12 Strokes
connected; joined; repeated
10 Strokes
number two
12 Strokes
give to; hand down; bequeath
12 Strokes
wind; walk out of straight path
9 Strokes
be near; be close; recently
18 Strokes
14 Strokes
name of land
8 Strokes
subservient; servant; rad. 171
8 Strokes
cheeks; jaw; chin; rear; to nourish
16 Strokes
sweet-meats; sweet-cakes; syrup
14 Strokes
lots (to be drawn); draw lots
17 Strokes

Chinese characters for Korean name (린 30)

18 Strokes
stingy; miserly; parsimonious
7 Strokes
15 Strokes
stingy; sparing of; closefisted
10 Strokes
long and curved
15 Strokes
돌사이로흐르는 물소리
16 Strokes
cover over; hide; narrow-necked
16 Strokes
나무껍질, 지방
16 Strokes
clear water
15 Strokes
flame; blaze; glowing; blazing
12 Strokes
16 Strokes
건강할, 짐승이름
15 Strokes
luster of jade
16 Strokes
look; see; examine; scrutinize
17 Strokes
phosphorus; water rushing between
17 Strokes
12 Strokes
14 Strokes
continue; maintain; carry on
18 Strokes
rush used in making mats; surname
22 Strokes
trample down; oppress; overrun
23 Strokes
trample down; oppress; overrun
27 Strokes
rumbling of vehicles; threshold
19 Strokes
neighbor; neighborhood
15 Strokes
20 Strokes
밟을, 새이
16 Strokes
neighbor; neighboring; adjacent
15 Strokes
an excellent horse
22 Strokes
fish scales
23 Strokes
female of Chinese unicorn
23 Strokes
17 Strokes

Chinese characters for Korean name (일 16)

wash in sieve; weed out
10 Strokes
one; a; an; alone
1 Strokes
indulge in pleasures; flee
7 Strokes
a row or file of dancers
8 Strokes
기쁠, 외람할, 방탕할
7 Strokes
number one
12 Strokes
8 Strokes
sun; day; daytime
4 Strokes
licentious; libertine; dissipated
8 Strokes
jetty; submerged rock; eddy
9 Strokes
overflow; brim over; full
13 Strokes
rush forth; surpass; excel
12 Strokes
flee; escape; break loose
12 Strokes
measure of weight for gold
18 Strokes
post horse; relay horse
14 Strokes
wash in sieve; weed out
10 Strokes

Chinese characters for Korean name (라 6)

18 Strokes
23 Strokes
21 Strokes
25 Strokes
the solitary wasp
19 Strokes
좋게볼, 곡진할
21 Strokes

Chinese characters for Korean name (이 56)

louse; bug; parasite
14 Strokes
louse; bug; parasite
9 Strokes
louse; bug; parasite
10 Strokes
louse; bug; parasite
10 Strokes
two; twice
2 Strokes
by means of; thereby; therefore; consider as; in order to
5 Strokes
third person pronoun; he; she; this; that
6 Strokes
a second; an assistant
8 Strokes
descriptive of creaking; laugh
9 Strokes
ancient barbarian tribes
6 Strokes
mother/wife's sister; concubine
9 Strokes
13 Strokes
you; that; those; final particle
5 Strokes
Kunlun mountains in Jiangsu
9 Strokes
already; finished; stop
3 Strokes
10 Strokes
respect; honor; respectfully
14 Strokes
loosen; relax; unstring a bow
6 Strokes
yi; tripod; wine vessel; rule
16 Strokes
yi; tripod; wine vessel; rule
18 Strokes
harmony; pleasure; joy; be glad
8 Strokes
9 Strokes
12 Strokes
sandalwood; tree used as timber
7 Strokes
두공, 버섯이름
10 Strokes
버섯, 느타리
10 Strokes
14 Strokes
snivel; mucus from nose
9 Strokes
river in Jiangxi province; water leaking into a boat
9 Strokes
river in Jiangxi province; water leaking into a boat
9 Strokes
you; that; those; final particle
14 Strokes
옥돌, 용무늬있는올옷
9 Strokes
ear ornament; stick; insert
10 Strokes
different; unusual; strange
12 Strokes
wound; bruise; sore
11 Strokes
change place; shift; move about
11 Strokes
and; and then; and yet; but
6 Strokes
ear; merely; only; handle
6 Strokes
gentle and affable
12 Strokes
learn; practice; study; toil
13 Strokes
11 Strokes
sprouts; tares
12 Strokes
17 Strokes
deceive; cheat; arrogant
10 Strokes
bequeath; pass on to future generations
12 Strokes
connected; joined; repeated
10 Strokes
number two
12 Strokes
give to; hand down; bequeath
12 Strokes
wind; walk out of straight path
9 Strokes
be near; be close; recently
18 Strokes
14 Strokes
name of land
8 Strokes
subservient; servant; rad. 171
8 Strokes
cheeks; jaw; chin; rear; to nourish
16 Strokes
sweet-meats; sweet-cakes; syrup
14 Strokes
lots (to be drawn); draw lots
17 Strokes

Chinese characters for Korean name (자 56)

Chinese measure approx. 'foot'
12 Strokes
small thing; child; young animal
5 Strokes
stab; prick; irritate; prod
8 Strokes
약할, 헐뜯 을
8 Strokes
inquire; consult; discuss; plan
9 Strokes
elder sister
8 Strokes
elder sister
7 Strokes
one's manner; carriage; bearing
9 Strokes
17 Strokes
offspring; child; fruit; seed of; 1st terrestrial branch
3 Strokes
6 Strokes
letter; character; word
6 Strokes
be as diligent as possible
7 Strokes
variant of 孳 U+5B73; to breed in large numbers
14 Strokes
indulge oneself; unrestrained
10 Strokes
kind; charitable; benevolent
14 Strokes
a thorny tree; sugarcane
9 Strokes
clear; bright and brilliant; swea
9 Strokes
grow; multiply; increase; thrive
12 Strokes
roast; broil; toast; cauterize
8 Strokes
12 Strokes
the female of certain animals; to bring forth young of animals
10 Strokes
now; here; this; time; year
10 Strokes
crockery; porcelain; chinaware
11 Strokes
flaw; fault; defect; disease
10 Strokes
eye sockets; corner of the eyes
10 Strokes
corner of the eyes; eyesockets
10 Strokes
magnetic; magnetism; porcelain
14 Strokes
8 Strokes
9 Strokes
grain offered in ritual sacrifice; millet
12 Strokes
purple; violet; amethyst; surname
11 Strokes
that which; he who; those who
10 Strokes
to hoe up the earth around plants
9 Strokes
minced meat; to cut meat into pieces
12 Strokes
self; private; personal; from
6 Strokes
a plant yielding a red dye
11 Strokes
caltrop; tribulus terrestris
12 Strokes
now; here; this; time; year
12 Strokes
14 Strokes
sugar cane
17 Strokes
mat; pad; rely on; pretext
20 Strokes
9 Strokes
13 Strokes
bad-mouth; criticize; defects
12 Strokes
consult; confer; communicate in
16 Strokes
property; wealth; to count
12 Strokes
property; wealth; capital
13 Strokes
reddish brown; hematite; ochre
16 Strokes
hoe; mattock
18 Strokes
female; feminine; gentle; soft
13 Strokes
17 Strokes
15 Strokes
minced and salted fish; to preserve
16 Strokes
21 Strokes
22 Strokes

Annual birth count(person) of Not provided

The black stacked bar area is a estimated value of 2024 year
that is divided by the real time cumulative daily birth count of this year and multiplied by 365(366 at leap year).
If count is under 10, it will not provided.

Annual Popularity(Adjusted) of Not providedNew

The annual Popularities were standardized by 2019 year's birth count,
So you can check actual Popularities.

Boy name Popularity of Not provided

Girl name Popularity of Not provided

Boy name ranking of Not provided

Since 2008 to 2024, Boy name ranking chart.
At , The rank was 999999.

Girl name ranking of Not provided

Since 2008 to 2024, Girl name ranking chart.
At 2012year,2012year,2012year,2012year, The rank was 2929.

Seasonal Ratio(person) of Not provided

Gender Ratio(person) of Not provided


Korean City Ratio(person) of Not provided

Questions or opinions of the name 아이린일라이자 (Not provided)