Name ranking, statistics Serviced By ""
The name '
전별하(Jeonbyeolha)' is that since 2008 year to
2024 year totally
1 people was
birthed in Korea.
Boys are totally
0, Girls are totally
1 persons.
전별하' is a style of Girl name.
Most birthed season is
Girl name ranking is
9,894 of 26,991.
The Long-term trend of the name '전별하' of is
sidle along,,
3-years recent trend is
sidle along,.
The 전별하's Romaji(English) Expression is '
Other english spelling variations of this name are
(N/A) Byeol Ha
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Chinese Characters Information
Your can make meanings of this name Jeonbyeolha with combinations of chinese characters(with
Chinese characters for Korean name (전 89)
- 佃
tenant farmer; be a tenant farmer
7 Strokes
- 佺
8 Strokes
- 傳
summon; propagate; transmit
13 Strokes
- 全
maintain; keep whole or intact
6 Strokes
- 典
law; canon; documentation; classic; scripture
8 Strokes
- 冿
enlighten; advance; progress
8 Strokes
- 前
in front; forward; preceding
9 Strokes
- 剪
scissors; cut; divide; separate
11 Strokes
- 吮
suck with mouth; sip; lick
7 Strokes
- 囀
sing; chirp; warble; twitter
21 Strokes
- 塡
fill in; fill up; make good
13 Strokes
- 塼
14 Strokes
- 奠
pay respect; settle
12 Strokes
- 姾
계집단정할, 여자이름
9 Strokes
- 嫥
14 Strokes
- 專
monopolize; take sole possession
11 Strokes
- 屇
cave; hole
8 Strokes
- 展
open; unfold; stretch; extend
10 Strokes
- 巓
summit of mountain
22 Strokes
- 廛
a store; shop; ground alloted to a retainer
15 Strokes
- 悛
repent; reform
10 Strokes
- 戩
exterminate; destroy; blessing
14 Strokes
- 戰
war; fighting; battle
16 Strokes
- 揃
shear; (Cant.) to skin an animal
12 Strokes
- 搌
rub and wipe; dust; clean
13 Strokes
- 搷
칠, 당길, 날릴
13 Strokes
- 旃
silk banner with bent pole
10 Strokes
- 朘
11 Strokes
- 栓
wooden peg; post or stick
10 Strokes
- 栴
10 Strokes
- 橏
나무혹, 나무밋밋할
16 Strokes
- 殿
hall; palace; temple
13 Strokes
- 氈
felt; rug; carpet
17 Strokes
- 沺
물가없을, 물결퍼질
8 Strokes
- 湔
wash; cleanse; purge
12 Strokes
- 澱
sediment; dregs; precipitate
16 Strokes
- 澶
still water; placid; tranquil
16 Strokes
- 瀍
river in Jiangxi province; water leaking into a boat
18 Strokes
- 煎
fry in fat or oil; boil in water
13 Strokes
- 牋
memorandum; official note
12 Strokes
- 琠
a gem used as ear plug; a jade earring
12 Strokes
- 瑔
옥이름, 조개이름
13 Strokes
- 甎
brick; square tile; slab
16 Strokes
- 田
field; arable land; cultivated
5 Strokes
- 甸
suburbs of capital; govern; crops
7 Strokes
- 畋
till land; cultivate; hunt
9 Strokes
- 畑
dry (as opposed to rice) field; used in Japanese names
9 Strokes
- 痊
be healed; be cured; recover
11 Strokes
- 癜
18 Strokes
- 癲
crazy; mad; madness; mania; insanity
24 Strokes
- 磚
tile; brick
16 Strokes
- 筌
bamboo fish trap
12 Strokes
- 箋
note; memo; stationery; comments
14 Strokes
- 箭
arrow; type of bamboo
15 Strokes
- 篆
seal script; seal; official stamp
15 Strokes
- 籛
22 Strokes
- 纏
wrap; wind around; tie; bind
21 Strokes
- 羶
rank odor
19 Strokes
- 翦
scissors; cut; clip; annhilate
15 Strokes
- 腆
prosperous; good; protruding
12 Strokes
- 膞
15 Strokes
- 荃
aromatic herb; fine cloth
12 Strokes
- 詮
explain; expound; comment on
13 Strokes
- 賟
15 Strokes
- 躔
follow in; imitate; rut; path
22 Strokes
- 輇
cart wheel with no spokes
13 Strokes
- 輾
turn over; roll
17 Strokes
- 轉
shift; move; turn
18 Strokes
- 邅
hesitant; faltering
17 Strokes
- 鄽
foundation; base
18 Strokes
- 鈿
hairpin; gold inlaid work; filigree
13 Strokes
- 銓
weigh; measure; select officials
14 Strokes
- 鋑
to engrave or carve; as a block for printing
15 Strokes
- 錢
money; currency; coins
16 Strokes
- 錪
무거울, 솥
16 Strokes
- 鐫
engraving tool; carve; engrave
21 Strokes
- 雋
superior; outstanding; talented
13 Strokes
- 電
electricity; electric; lightning
13 Strokes
- 靛
indigo; any blue dye
16 Strokes
- 靦
timid; shy; bashful
16 Strokes
- 顓
good; honest; simple; respectful
18 Strokes
- 顚
top; peak; summit; upset
19 Strokes
- 顫
shiver; tremble; trembling
22 Strokes
- 飦
well-boiled congee or gruel; thick; rich
12 Strokes
- 餞
farewell party; see off; send off
17 Strokes
- 餰
18 Strokes
- 鬋
forelock; bangs
19 Strokes
- 鱣
24 Strokes
- 鸇
hawk; Butastur indicus
24 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (별 12)
- 㔡
a star; planet; any point of light
12 Strokes
- 䭱
a star; planet; any point of light
17 Strokes
- 別
separate; other; do not
7 Strokes
- 彆
15 Strokes
- 潎
14 Strokes
- 瞥
take fleeting glance at
17 Strokes
- 莂
모종낼, 중의글
10 Strokes
- 襒
strive; exert effort; arouse
16 Strokes
- 鱉
23 Strokes
- 鷩
23 Strokes
- 鼈
a fresh-water turtle; Trionyx sinensis
25 Strokes
- 𩠻
a star; planet; any point of light
13 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (하 32)
- 㗿
16 Strokes
- 㦆
14 Strokes
- 㰤
9 Strokes
- 下
under; underneath; below; down; inferior; bring down
3 Strokes
- 何
what; why; where; which; how
7 Strokes
- 厦
big building; mansion
12 Strokes
- 呀
particle used to express surprise or mild emphasis; (Cant.) slurred form of the number ten
7 Strokes
- 哬
sound; voice; noise; tone; music
10 Strokes
- 嚇
scare; frighten; intimidate
17 Strokes
- 夏
summer; great; grand; big
10 Strokes
- 岈
name of land
7 Strokes
- 廈
big building; mansion
13 Strokes
- 懗
17 Strokes
- 抲
8 Strokes
- 昰
var of 'to be'; 'summer'; name
9 Strokes
- 河
river; stream; yellow river
8 Strokes
- 煆
raging fire
13 Strokes
- 瑕
flaw in gem; fault; defect
13 Strokes
- 瘕
asthma; disese of the bowels
14 Strokes
- 碬
14 Strokes
- 罅
crack; fissure; split
17 Strokes
- 荷
lotus; water lily; holland
13 Strokes
- 蕸
15 Strokes
- 蝦
shrimp; prawn
15 Strokes
- 賀
congratulate; send present
12 Strokes
- 赮
red; communist; 'red'; bare
16 Strokes
- 遐
afar; distant; old; advanced in
13 Strokes
- 鍜
17 Strokes
- 閜
크게 열릴, / 공허할
13 Strokes
- 霞
rosy clouds
17 Strokes
- 鰕
shrimp; prawn
20 Strokes
- 𧬂
19 Strokes
Annual birth count(person) of Jeonbyeolha
The black stacked bar area is a estimated value of 2024 year
is divided by the real time cumulative daily birth count of this year and multiplied by 365(366 at leap
If count is under 10, it will not provided.
Boy name ranking of Jeonbyeolha
Since 2008 to 2024, Boy name ranking
At , The rank was
Girl name ranking of Jeonbyeolha
Since 2008 to 2024, Girl name ranking
At 2016year,2016year,2016year,2016year,2016year, The rank was
Questions or opinions of the name 전별하 (Jeonbyeolha)