Name ranking, statistics Serviced By ""
The name '
한아(Hana)' is that since 2008 year to
2024 year totally
202 people was
birthed in Korea.
Boys are totally
7, Girls are totally
195 persons.
한아' is a style of Girl name.
Most birthed season is
Boy name ranking is
7,166 of 34,353.
Girl name ranking is
997 of 26,991.
The Long-term trend of the name '한아' of is
3-years recent trend is
The 한아's Romaji(English) Expression is '
Other english spelling variations of this name are
Han A , Han Ah
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Chinese Characters Information
Your can make meanings of this name Hana with combinations of chinese characters(with
Chinese characters for Korean name (한 35)
- 䦥
one; a; an; alone
16 Strokes
- 僩
courageous; martial; dignified
14 Strokes
- 嫺
refined; elegant; gracious
15 Strokes
- 嫻
elegant; refined; skillful
15 Strokes
- 寒
cold; wintry; chilly
12 Strokes
- 恨
hatred; dislike; resent; hate
9 Strokes
- 悍
courageous; brave; violent
10 Strokes
- 憪
마음고요할, 말더듬거릴
15 Strokes
- 扞
ward off; withstand; resist
6 Strokes
- 捍
ward off; guard against; defend
10 Strokes
- 旱
drought; dry; dry land
7 Strokes
- 晘
one; a; an; alone
11 Strokes
- 暵
dry by exposing sun
15 Strokes
- 橌
one; a; an; alone
16 Strokes
- 汗
perspiration; sweat
6 Strokes
- 漢
the Chinese people; Chinese language
14 Strokes
- 澖
broad; wide; open; empty; to expand
15 Strokes
- 澣
cleanse; wash
16 Strokes
- 瀚
vast; wide; extensive
19 Strokes
- 熯
by fire
15 Strokes
- 罕
rare; scarce; surname
8 Strokes
- 翰
writing brush; pen; pencil
16 Strokes
- 邗
an ancient place in the state of Wu
6 Strokes
- 釬
11 Strokes
- 銲
15 Strokes
- 閈
11 Strokes
- 閑
fence; barrier; defend; idle time
12 Strokes
- 閒
peaceful; tranquil; calm
12 Strokes
- 限
boundary; limit; line
9 Strokes
- 雗
18 Strokes
- 韓
fence; surname; Korea
17 Strokes
- 駻
to rage; run wild
17 Strokes
- 鷳
the silver pheasant; Lophura nycthemera
23 Strokes
- 鼾
snore loudly
17 Strokes
- 𡽜
one; a; an; alone
17 Strokes
Chinese characters for Korean name (아 51)
- 䄉
12 Strokes
- 䋍
11 Strokes
- 丫
forked; bifurcation
3 Strokes
- 亜
Asia; second
7 Strokes
- 亞
Asia; second; used as a prefix to names
8 Strokes
- 俄
sudden(ly); soon; Russian
9 Strokes
- 児
son; child; oneself; final part
7 Strokes
- 兒
son; child; oneself; final part
8 Strokes
- 哦
oh? really? is that so?
10 Strokes
- 啊
exclamatory particle
11 Strokes
- 啞
dumb; mute; become hoarse
11 Strokes
- 妸
administrative division
8 Strokes
- 妿
8 Strokes
- 娥
be beautiful; good; surname
10 Strokes
- 娿
seductive and loveable; tender
11 Strokes
- 婀
be beautiful; be graceful
11 Strokes
- 婭
wives of one's brothers; sister-i
11 Strokes
- 孲
baby; infant; bother
11 Strokes
- 峨
10 Strokes
- 峩
10 Strokes
- 庌
집, 대청, 덮을
7 Strokes
- 我
our; us; i; me; my; we
7 Strokes
- 枒
바퀴테, 가장귀, 가새목자를
8 Strokes
- 椏
forked; bifurcation
12 Strokes
- 牙
tooth; molars; teeth; serrated
4 Strokes
- 猗
exclamation of admiration
11 Strokes
- 玡
name of land
8 Strokes
- 珴
large jade tablet used by officials at court to indicate their ranks
11 Strokes
- 疋
roll; bolt of cloth; foot
5 Strokes
- 疴
illness; sickness; disease; pain
10 Strokes
- 皒
12 Strokes
- 睋
볼, 갑자기
12 Strokes
- 砑
to grind; to calender; to polish; to roll with a stone roller
9 Strokes
- 硪
12 Strokes
- 笌
대순, 죽순
10 Strokes
- 芽
bud; sprout; shoot
10 Strokes
- 莪
13 Strokes
- 蛾
13 Strokes
- 衙
public office; official residence
13 Strokes
- 襾
덮을, 가리어숨길
6 Strokes
- 訝
express surprise; be surprised
11 Strokes
- 誐
wrong; evil; depraved; vicious; perverse; heterodox
14 Strokes
- 迓
to go to meet; to receive; as a guest
8 Strokes
- 鈳
작은가마, 작은도끼
13 Strokes
- 錏
soft steel; ammonium
16 Strokes
- 阿
prefix for people's names; used in transliteration
8 Strokes
- 雅
elegant; graceful; refined
12 Strokes
- 餓
hungry; greedy for; hunger
16 Strokes
- 鴉
crow; raven; Corvus species (various)
15 Strokes
- 鵝
18 Strokes
- 鵞
18 Strokes
Annual birth count(person) of Hana
The black stacked bar area is a estimated value of 2024 year
is divided by the real time cumulative daily birth count of this year and multiplied by 365(366 at leap
If count is under 10, it will not provided.
Questions or opinions of the name 한아 (Hana)