名前ランキングと統計サービス By "korean-name.com/jp/"

この名前”나단재헌(Not provided)”は2008年から2025年までぜんぶ1人が韓国で生まれました。
男の子はぜんぶ1人, 女の子はぜんぶ0人です。
”Not provided”の長期トレンドは懸る,
나단재헌のロマン時は”Not provided”。
Na Dan Jae Heon , Na Dan Jae Hun , Na Dan Jae Hyun , Na Dan Je Heon , Na Dan Je Hun , Na Dan Je Hyun , Na Dan Jea Heon , Na Dan Jea Hun , Na Dan Jea Hyun  
윤재(Yunjae)    연우(Yeonu)    시우(Siu)    이현(Ihyeon)    민호(Minho)    승준(Seungjun)    예찬(Yechan)    도윤(Doyun)    주호(Juho)    지안(Jian)    재민(Jaemin)    지원(Jiwon)    시윤(Siyun)    율(Yul)    우빈(Ubin)     


go to ranking range  

名前の漢字(나 43)

I; you; family name
10 Strokes
I; you; family name
13 Strokes
bare; naked; uncovered
10 Strokes
bandit; daredevil
21 Strokes
21 Strokes
strike; hit; beat; attack; fight
8 Strokes
which? where? how?
10 Strokes
horn; bugle; lama; final particle
12 Strokes
exclamatory final particle; nag
22 Strokes
but; how; bear; stand; endure
8 Strokes
elegant; graceful; delicate
10 Strokes
weak; timid; cowardly
17 Strokes
lazy; languid; listless
19 Strokes
take; bring; grasp; hold; arrest
9 Strokes
take; hold; grasp; bring; with
10 Strokes
10 Strokes
move; shift on one side
10 Strokes
collect; gather; store; profound; (Budd.) skandha
14 Strokes
23 Strokes
crab-apple tree; endure; bear
9 Strokes
sandalwood; tree used as timber
11 Strokes
16 Strokes
scrofula; swellings
16 Strokes
leprosy; scabies; mange; shoddy
21 Strokes
pile of stones
10 Strokes
glutinous rice; glutinous; sticky
14 Strokes
glutinous rice; glutinous; sticky
20 Strokes
net for catching birds; gauze
19 Strokes
12 Strokes
be bare; nude
21 Strokes
13 Strokes
type of creeping plant; turnip
25 Strokes
spiral shell; conch; spiral
17 Strokes
bare; nude; undress; strip
14 Strokes
차례, 곡진할, 자세히볼, 좋게볼
19 Strokes
떠볼, 탐색할
15 Strokes
patrol; inspect; watch
23 Strokes
that; that one; those
7 Strokes
27 Strokes
21 Strokes
23 Strokes
I; you; family name
10 Strokes
I; you; family name
12 Strokes

名前の漢字(단 35)

altar; arena; examination hall
9 Strokes
sincere; real; true; truth
13 Strokes
only; but; however; yet; still
7 Strokes
적을, 작을
11 Strokes
똑같이자를, 잘게썰, 단정할
11 Strokes
single; individual; only; lone
12 Strokes
sphere; ball; circle; mass; lump
14 Strokes
altar; arena; examination hall
16 Strokes
a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine
9 Strokes
14 Strokes
carry; bear; undertake
8 Strokes
sever; cut off; interrupt
18 Strokes
dawn; morning; day
5 Strokes
poplar; aspen
13 Strokes
sandalwood; hardwood; surname
17 Strokes
section; piece; division
9 Strokes
rapid water current; rapids
12 Strokes
14 Strokes
불꽃성할, 빛날
13 Strokes
불땔, 환할
16 Strokes
inferior variety of gem
13 Strokes
to hate bitterly; drought; dry
17 Strokes
short; brief; deficient; lacking
12 Strokes
9 Strokes
end; extreme; head; beginning
14 Strokes
같을, 같을
16 Strokes
small bamboo basket for holding
18 Strokes
15 Strokes
specialized; concentrated
9 Strokes
gall bladder; bravery; courage
9 Strokes
13 Strokes
eggs; term of abuse
11 Strokes
13 Strokes
strip; lay bare; bared; naked
11 Strokes
forge metal; temper; refine
17 Strokes

名前の漢字(재 29)

mountain ridge; mountain peak
9 Strokes
mountain ridge; mountain peak
20 Strokes
again; twice; re-
6 Strokes
final exclamatory particle
9 Strokes
be at; in; on; consist in; rest
6 Strokes
재계할, 공경할
9 Strokes
to slaughter; to rule
10 Strokes
a child; a servant; a diminutive
12 Strokes
talent; ability; just; only
3 Strokes
be at; in; on; consist in; rest
6 Strokes
손바닥에 받을
10 Strokes
material; stuff; timber; talent
7 Strokes
to cultivate; plant; to care for plants
10 Strokes
catalpa ovata
11 Strokes
catalpa ovata
14 Strokes
deep; profound; clear; tranquil; placid
12 Strokes
mountain ridge; mountain peak
13 Strokes
sediment; lees; dregs
13 Strokes
calamity; disaster; catastrophe
7 Strokes
calamity; disaster; catastrophe
7 Strokes
matter; affair
16 Strokes
talent; ability; just; only
23 Strokes
cut out; decrease
12 Strokes
wealth; valuables; riches
10 Strokes
재물, 재화
16 Strokes
load; carry; transport; convey
13 Strokes
gains; advantage; profit; merit
11 Strokes
vegetarian diet; study; to fast; abstain
17 Strokes
take in both hands and offer to
21 Strokes

名前の漢字(헌 11)

19 Strokes

16 Strokes
23 Strokes
23 Strokes
curtain at front of carriage
19 Strokes
constitution; statute; law
15 Strokes
비길, 물건맬
19 Strokes
bright; shining; have guts
8 Strokes
sandalwood; tree used as timber
20 Strokes
offer; present; show; display
19 Strokes
carriage; high; wide; balcony; surname of the Yellow Emperor
10 Strokes

Not providedの年間出生数


Not providedの年間人気


Not providedの男性の名前人口

Not providedの女性の名前人口

Not providedの男性の名前のランキング

Since 2008 to 2025, Boy name ranking chart.
At 2022, The rank was 2765.

Not providedの女性の名前のランキング

Since 2008 to 2025, Girl name ranking chart.
At , The rank was 999999.

Not providedの季節の割合

Not providedの性的の割合


Not providedの都市の割合