名前ランキングと統計サービス By "korean-name.com/jp/"

この名前”발렌티나아누쉬카(Not provided)”は2008年から2025年までぜんぶ1人が韓国で生まれました。
男の子はぜんぶ0人, 女の子はぜんぶ1人です。
”Not provided”の長期トレンドは懸る,
발렌티나아누쉬카のロマン時は”Not provided”。
(N/A) (N/A) Ti Na A Nu (N/A) Ka , (N/A) (N/A) Ti Na A Noo (N/A) Ka , (N/A) (N/A) Ti Na Ah Nu (N/A) Ka , (N/A) (N/A) Ti Na Ah Noo (N/A) Ka  
서영(Seoyeong)    예나(Yena)    현서(Hyeonseo)    주하(Juha)    서은(Seoeun)    승아(Seung-a)    하은(Ha-eun)    유하(Yuha)    시아(Sia)    소이(Soi)    민서(Minseo)    세은(Se-eun)    서연(Seoyeon)    소연(Soyeon)    지민(Jimin)     


go to ranking range  

名前の漢字(발 18)

suddenly; sudden; quick
9 Strokes
confusion; state of chaos; create chaos; revolt
10 Strokes
uproot; pull out
8 Strokes
move; dispel; distribute; plectrum; play stringed instrument
15 Strokes
burst forth; rise; vigorous
10 Strokes
swelling; name of a sea gulf
12 Strokes
pour; splash; water; sprinkle; violent; malignant
15 Strokes
김오를, 불기운
9 Strokes
issue; dispatch; send out; emit
12 Strokes
11 Strokes
go by foot; epilogue; colophon
12 Strokes
to brew for the second time
19 Strokes
13 Strokes
earthenware basin; alms bowl (Sanskrit paatra)
13 Strokes
16 Strokes
15 Strokes
drought demon
15 Strokes
species of pigeon
18 Strokes

名前の漢字(렌 0)

名前の漢字(티 0)

名前の漢字(나 43)

I; you; family name
10 Strokes
I; you; family name
13 Strokes
bare; naked; uncovered
10 Strokes
bandit; daredevil
21 Strokes
21 Strokes
strike; hit; beat; attack; fight
8 Strokes
which? where? how?
10 Strokes
horn; bugle; lama; final particle
12 Strokes
exclamatory final particle; nag
22 Strokes
but; how; bear; stand; endure
8 Strokes
elegant; graceful; delicate
10 Strokes
weak; timid; cowardly
17 Strokes
lazy; languid; listless
19 Strokes
take; bring; grasp; hold; arrest
9 Strokes
take; hold; grasp; bring; with
10 Strokes
10 Strokes
move; shift on one side
10 Strokes
collect; gather; store; profound; (Budd.) skandha
14 Strokes
23 Strokes
crab-apple tree; endure; bear
9 Strokes
sandalwood; tree used as timber
11 Strokes
16 Strokes
scrofula; swellings
16 Strokes
leprosy; scabies; mange; shoddy
21 Strokes
pile of stones
10 Strokes
glutinous rice; glutinous; sticky
14 Strokes
glutinous rice; glutinous; sticky
20 Strokes
net for catching birds; gauze
19 Strokes
12 Strokes
be bare; nude
21 Strokes
13 Strokes
type of creeping plant; turnip
25 Strokes
spiral shell; conch; spiral
17 Strokes
bare; nude; undress; strip
14 Strokes
차례, 곡진할, 자세히볼, 좋게볼
19 Strokes
떠볼, 탐색할
15 Strokes
patrol; inspect; watch
23 Strokes
that; that one; those
7 Strokes
27 Strokes
21 Strokes
23 Strokes
I; you; family name
10 Strokes
I; you; family name
12 Strokes

名前の漢字(아 51)

12 Strokes

11 Strokes
forked; bifurcation
3 Strokes
Asia; second
7 Strokes
Asia; second; used as a prefix to names
8 Strokes
sudden(ly); soon; Russian
9 Strokes
son; child; oneself; final part
7 Strokes
son; child; oneself; final part
8 Strokes
oh? really? is that so?
10 Strokes
exclamatory particle
11 Strokes
dumb; mute; become hoarse
11 Strokes
administrative division
8 Strokes
8 Strokes
be beautiful; good; surname
10 Strokes
seductive and loveable; tender
11 Strokes
be beautiful; be graceful
11 Strokes
wives of one's brothers; sister-i
11 Strokes
baby; infant; bother
11 Strokes
10 Strokes
10 Strokes
집, 대청, 덮을
7 Strokes
our; us; i; me; my; we
7 Strokes
바퀴테, 가장귀, 가새목자를
8 Strokes
forked; bifurcation
12 Strokes
tooth; molars; teeth; serrated
4 Strokes
exclamation of admiration
11 Strokes
name of land
8 Strokes
large jade tablet used by officials at court to indicate their ranks
11 Strokes
roll; bolt of cloth; foot
5 Strokes
illness; sickness; disease; pain
10 Strokes
12 Strokes
볼, 갑자기
12 Strokes
to grind; to calender; to polish; to roll with a stone roller
9 Strokes
12 Strokes
대순, 죽순
10 Strokes
bud; sprout; shoot
10 Strokes
13 Strokes
13 Strokes
public office; official residence
13 Strokes
덮을, 가리어숨길
6 Strokes
express surprise; be surprised
11 Strokes
wrong; evil; depraved; vicious; perverse; heterodox
14 Strokes
to go to meet; to receive; as a guest
8 Strokes
작은가마, 작은도끼
13 Strokes
soft steel; ammonium
16 Strokes
prefix for people's names; used in transliteration
8 Strokes
elegant; graceful; refined
12 Strokes
hungry; greedy for; hunger
16 Strokes
crow; raven; Corvus species (various)
15 Strokes
18 Strokes
18 Strokes

名前の漢字(누 25)

humpback; surname
13 Strokes
11 Strokes
used in onomatopoetic expressions
14 Strokes
rampart; military wall
18 Strokes
surname; a constellation; to wear
11 Strokes
frequently; often; again and again
14 Strokes
Goulou mountain peak in Hunan
14 Strokes
the gizzard of a fowl; honest; sincere
14 Strokes
안을, 긁을
14 Strokes
building of two or more stories
15 Strokes
18 Strokes
tears; weep; cry
11 Strokes
leak; drip; funnel; hour glass
14 Strokes
flame; blaze; glowing; blazing
15 Strokes
fistula; sore; ulcer; goiter
16 Strokes
tired; implicate; involve; bother
11 Strokes
thread; detailed; precise
17 Strokes
hoe; rake; weed
16 Strokes
drill for sowing grain
17 Strokes
Artemisia stelleriana
17 Strokes
a mole cricket; Gryllotalpa africana
17 Strokes
lapel; collar; tattered; threadbare
17 Strokes
carve; inlay; engrave; tattoo
19 Strokes
narrow; crude; coarse; ugly
9 Strokes
skull; skeleton
21 Strokes

名前の漢字(쉬 3)

deputy; vice-
10 Strokes
temper; dye; soak; change; alter
11 Strokes
temper; burn
12 Strokes

名前の漢字(카 0)


Not providedの年間出生数


Not providedの年間人気


Not providedの男性の名前人口

Not providedの女性の名前人口

Not providedの男性の名前のランキング

Since 2008 to 2025, Boy name ranking chart.
At , The rank was 999999.

Not providedの女性の名前のランキング

Since 2008 to 2025, Girl name ranking chart.
At 2013year, The rank was 2867.

Not providedの季節の割合

Not providedの性的の割合


Not providedの都市の割合