名前ランキングと統計サービス By "korean-name.com/jp/"

この名前”저스틴석현(Not provided)”は2008年から2025年までぜんぶ1人が韓国で生まれました。
男の子はぜんぶ1人, 女の子はぜんぶ0人です。
”Not provided”の長期トレンドは懸る,
저스틴석현のロマン時は”Not provided”。
(N/A) Seu (N/A) Seok Hyun , (N/A) Seu (N/A) Seok Hyeon , (N/A) Seu (N/A) Suk Hyun , (N/A) Seu (N/A) Suk Hyeon  
하진(Hajin)    연우(Yeonu)    우진(Ujin)    태민(Taemin)    주원(Juwon)    한결(Han-gyeol)    재현(Jaehyeon)    지한(Jihan)    민혁(Minhyeok)    우주(Uju)    이든(Ideun)    예찬(Yechan)    시원(Siwon)    이안(Ian)    지율(Jiyul)     


go to ranking range  

名前の漢字(저 47)

that; that one; those
8 Strokes
wait; look towards; turn one's back on
7 Strokes
low; to lower; hang; bend; bow
7 Strokes
to save money; store; reserve; an heir
18 Strokes
suck; chew; masticate
8 Strokes
elder sister; young lady
8 Strokes
calm; peaceful; serene; healthy
5 Strokes
8 Strokes
bottom; underneath; underside
8 Strokes
resist; oppose; deny; off-set
8 Strokes
pestle; baton used beat clothes
8 Strokes
shuttle of loom; narrow; long-headed; a scrub oak; thin
8 Strokes
root; base; bottom of object
9 Strokes
mulberry; paper
13 Strokes
Ailanthus glandulosa; a kind of tree useless as timber
15 Strokes
name of an ancient tribe
5 Strokes
stop; prevent; defeated; dejected
8 Strokes
small sand bank; islet
11 Strokes
pond; a pool
15 Strokes
pond; a pool
19 Strokes
gore; butt; resist
9 Strokes
an ape; monkey; to spy; watch for; to lie
8 Strokes
pig; hog; wild boar
11 Strokes
ulcer; carbuncle; abscess
10 Strokes
15 Strokes
ramie; sack cloth
11 Strokes
net for catching rabbits
10 Strokes
ram; he-goat
11 Strokes
china grass; ramie
11 Strokes
sackcloth; female hemp plant
11 Strokes
salted or pickled vegetables
14 Strokes
manifest; (Cant.) to wear
14 Strokes
yam; tuber; potato
22 Strokes
11 Strokes
11 Strokes
bag; valise; stuff; pad; surname
15 Strokes
gore; butt; resist; push
12 Strokes
slander; condemn; reproach
12 Strokes
curse; swear; pledge
12 Strokes
12 Strokes
store; stockpile; hoard
12 Strokes
hesitate; falter; be undecided
20 Strokes
this; the; here
11 Strokes
official residence; residence of
8 Strokes
12 Strokes
osprey; fishhawk; hold back
13 Strokes
irregular teeth; discord
20 Strokes

名前の漢字(스 0)

名前の漢字(틴 0)

名前の漢字(석 31)

10 Strokes
evening; night; dusk; slanted
3 Strokes
red; anger; ire; surname
15 Strokes
seat; mat; take seat; banquet
10 Strokes
pity; regret; rue; begrudge
11 Strokes
formerly; ancient; in beginning
8 Strokes
clear; evident; clearly
12 Strokes
fair; white; clear; discriminate
12 Strokes
split wood; break apart; divide
8 Strokes
17 Strokes
night tides; evening ebb tide
6 Strokes
water used wash rice; to wash ric
11 Strokes
land impregnated with salt from the tide
15 Strokes
white; grey; corpulent
13 Strokes
13 Strokes
stone; rock; mineral; rad. 112
5 Strokes
8 Strokes
great; eminent; large; big
14 Strokes
foundation stone; plinth
17 Strokes
9 Strokes
14 Strokes
year end sacrifice; dried meat
12 Strokes
a shoe; the sole of a shoe; magpie
12 Strokes
straw mat; mat
16 Strokes
14 Strokes
strip; lay bare; bared; naked
13 Strokes
15 Strokes
interprete; elucidate; release
20 Strokes
13 Strokes
tin; stannum; bestow; confer
16 Strokes
marmot; squirrel
18 Strokes

名前の漢字(현 53)

to fly
11 Strokes
to fly
14 Strokes
to fly
12 Strokes
to fly
12 Strokes
to fly
10 Strokes
to fly
5 Strokes
9 Strokes
clever; nimble
15 Strokes
to mutter; grumble; murmur
8 Strokes
10 Strokes
8 Strokes
10 Strokes
defend; protect; guard; conserve
11 Strokes
apt; clever; sycophant; flatterer
16 Strokes
steep hill; mountain in Hubei
10 Strokes
string; hypotenuse; crescent
8 Strokes
dig; turbid; exert; (Cant.) to shake
8 Strokes
hang; suspend; hoist; be hung
20 Strokes
long day; extended; relaxed
9 Strokes
11 Strokes
weep; cry; shine; glisten
8 Strokes
26 Strokes
shine; glitter; show off; flaunt
9 Strokes
deep; profound; abstruse
5 Strokes
inferior variety of gem
9 Strokes
appear; manifest; become visible
11 Strokes
패옥늘어 질
11 Strokes
indigestion; buboes; lymphatic inflammation
10 Strokes
to confuse; dizzy; dazed; disoriented
10 Strokes
to look at fearfully; overly cautious
12 Strokes
19 Strokes
string on musical instrument
11 Strokes
variegated; adorned; brilliant
12 Strokes
county; district; subdivision
16 Strokes
noose; hang death; tie; bind
19 Strokes
fly; to flit
19 Strokes
9 Strokes
the sides of a boat; bulwarks; a gunwale
11 Strokes
10 Strokes
16 Strokes
a variety of bivalves
13 Strokes
brag; show off; promote oneself
11 Strokes
10 Strokes
wrong; evil; depraved; vicious; perverse; heterodox
14 Strokes
슬기로울, 말수다할
20 Strokes
21 Strokes
virtuous; worthy; good; able
15 Strokes
device for carrying a tripod
13 Strokes
a small basin; rings on a cart of carriage
15 Strokes
15 Strokes
manifest; display; evident; clear
18 Strokes
manifest; display; evident; clear
23 Strokes
17 Strokes

Not providedの年間出生数


Not providedの年間人気


Not providedの男性の名前人口

Not providedの女性の名前人口

Not providedの男性の名前のランキング

Since 2008 to 2025, Boy name ranking chart.
At 2021, The rank was 2994.

Not providedの女性の名前のランキング

Since 2008 to 2025, Girl name ranking chart.
At , The rank was 999999.

Not providedの季節の割合

Not providedの性的の割合


Not providedの都市の割合