名前ランキングと統計サービス By "korean-name.com/jp/"

この名前”마르고엘리자벳달(Not provided)”は2008年から2025年までぜんぶ1人が韓国で生まれました。
男の子はぜんぶ0人, 女の子はぜんぶ1人です。
”Not provided”の長期トレンドは懸る,
마르고엘리자벳달のロマン時は”Not provided”。
Ma Reu Go El Ri Ja (N/A) Dal , Ma Reu Go El Ri Cha (N/A) Dal , Ma Reu Ko El Ri Ja (N/A) Dal , Ma Reu Ko El Ri Cha (N/A) Dal , Ma Reu Koh El Ri Ja (N/A) Dal , Ma Reu Koh El Ri Cha (N/A) Dal , Ma Reu Goh El Ri Ja (N/A) Dal , Ma Reu Goh El Ri Cha (N/A) Dal  
지율(Jiyul)    서윤(Seoyun)    지윤(Jiyun)    민지(Minji)    도연(Doyeon)    서율(Seoyul)    수빈(Subin)    주아(Jua)    하은(Ha-eun)    다윤(Dayun)    시연(Siyeon)    시은(Sieun)    수아(Sua)    소은(Soeun)    리아(Ria)     


go to ranking range  

名前の漢字(마 13)

make into mince
21 Strokes
mother; mama
13 Strokes
rub; scour; grind; friction
14 Strokes
agate; cornelian
14 Strokes
pock-marked; leprosy; measles
13 Strokes
number; numerals; yard; symbol
15 Strokes
grind; polish; rub; wear out; a millstone
16 Strokes
ant; leech
16 Strokes
frog; toad
17 Strokes
horse; surname; KangXi radical 187
10 Strokes
demon; evil spirits; magic power
21 Strokes
hemp; jute; flax; sesame
11 Strokes
interrogative final particle; insignificant; small; tiny
14 Strokes

名前の漢字(르 0)

名前の漢字(고 69)

merchant; estimate; guess; presume
7 Strokes
dried up; exhausted; tired; dry
10 Strokes
cut out; dig; rip up; scoop out
8 Strokes
old; classic; ancient
5 Strokes
knock; ask; kowtow; bow
5 Strokes
tell; announce; inform; accuse
7 Strokes
wail; crying of child; swear at
8 Strokes
to become solid; solidify; strength
8 Strokes
high; tall; lofty; elevated
5 Strokes
father's sister; husband's mother
8 Strokes
아낄, 안타까울, 어여쁠
11 Strokes
orphan; fatherless; solitary
8 Strokes
end of spine; buttocks; sacrum
5 Strokes
11 Strokes
armory; treasury; storehouse
10 Strokes
torture and interrogate; hit
9 Strokes
examine; test; investigate
6 Strokes
ancient; old; reason; because
9 Strokes
strike; beat; pound; hammer; rap
14 Strokes
daybreak; bright and brilliant
14 Strokes
bright sun; brilliant; high
8 Strokes
dried out; withered; decayed
9 Strokes
10 Strokes
draft; manuscript
14 Strokes
wither; withered; rotten; dead
14 Strokes
무고나무, 나무사방으로퍼질
16 Strokes
quiver (case for arrows)
19 Strokes
buy and sell; inferior in quality
8 Strokes
cow; bull; ox
9 Strokes
chronic disease
13 Strokes
the high land along a river
10 Strokes
the high land along a river
11 Strokes
salt pit; leisure; pot; drink
18 Strokes
blind; blind musician; stupid
18 Strokes
짚, 초
12 Strokes
draft; manuscript; rough copy
15 Strokes
hoop; bind; surround
14 Strokes
pole used punt boat
16 Strokes
cakes; pastry
16 Strokes
net; snare; pressure come or go
10 Strokes
lamb; kid
10 Strokes
a black ram
10 Strokes
soar; roam
18 Strokes
examine; test; investigate
6 Strokes
thighs; haunches; rump; share
8 Strokes
pelvis; groin; thighs
10 Strokes
grease; fat; paste; ointment
14 Strokes
bitter; hardship; suffering
11 Strokes
bulrush; Zizania latifolia
11 Strokes
wild rice; zizania latifolia
14 Strokes
straw; hay; dry; withered
20 Strokes
poison; venom; harm; bewitch
23 Strokes
pants; trousers; panties
12 Strokes
jug; winecup; goblet; square
12 Strokes
exegesis; explanation; explain
12 Strokes
inform; notify; admonish; order
14 Strokes
crime; criminal offense
12 Strokes
name of fief in Shantong bestowed on the eldest son of Wen Wang
10 Strokes
to deal in spirits
12 Strokes
cobalt; household iron cobaltum
13 Strokes
run metal into cracks; confine
16 Strokes
employ; to hire
12 Strokes
lean on; trust; depend on; near
15 Strokes
look back; look at; look after
21 Strokes
high; tall; lofty; elevated
10 Strokes
species of Taiwan pigeon
16 Strokes
23 Strokes
drum; beat; top; strike
13 Strokes
drum; beat; top; strike
13 Strokes

名前の漢字(엘 0)

名前の漢字(리 45)

smooth; active; clever; sharp
9 Strokes
rustic; vulgar; unpolished; mean
9 Strokes
gains; advantage; profit; merit
7 Strokes
13 Strokes
thousandth part of tael
9 Strokes
government official; magistrate
6 Strokes
10 Strokes
sound; noise; final particle
10 Strokes
wives of one's brothers; sister-i
10 Strokes
a widow
14 Strokes
footwear; shoes; walk on; tread
15 Strokes
smooth; active; clever; sharp
10 Strokes
stretch; extend; expand; sheet
13 Strokes
stretch; extend; expand; sheet
21 Strokes
plum; judge; surname
7 Strokes
pear; opera; cut; slash
11 Strokes
nautical mile
10 Strokes
river in Hebei province; creek
10 Strokes
river in Guangxi province
13 Strokes
11 Strokes
brindled ox; brindled in color
12 Strokes
10 Strokes
reason; logic; manage
11 Strokes
15 Strokes
12 Strokes
rare beast; strange; elegant
11 Strokes
bamboo or wooden fence; hedge
25 Strokes
sorrow; grief; incur; meet with
16 Strokes
weak; lean; emaciated; exhausted
19 Strokes
attend; be present; arrive at
13 Strokes
white jasmine
13 Strokes
13 Strokes
a dragon whose horns have not grown; cruel
17 Strokes
inside; interior; within
13 Strokes
inside; interior; within
13 Strokes
a fox-like animal
14 Strokes
meandering; winding
23 Strokes
unit of distance; village; lane
7 Strokes
manage; control; 1/1000 of a foot
18 Strokes
leave; depart; go away; separate
19 Strokes
a mountain demon resembling a tiger
21 Strokes
18 Strokes
the owl
30 Strokes
to stick; sticky
22 Strokes
16 Strokes

名前の漢字(자 56)

Chinese measure approx. 'foot'
12 Strokes
small thing; child; young animal
5 Strokes
stab; prick; irritate; prod
8 Strokes
약할, 헐뜯 을
8 Strokes
inquire; consult; discuss; plan
9 Strokes
elder sister
8 Strokes
elder sister
7 Strokes
one's manner; carriage; bearing
9 Strokes
17 Strokes
offspring; child; fruit; seed of; 1st terrestrial branch
3 Strokes
6 Strokes
letter; character; word
6 Strokes
be as diligent as possible
7 Strokes
variant of 孳 U+5B73; to breed in large numbers
14 Strokes
indulge oneself; unrestrained
10 Strokes
kind; charitable; benevolent
14 Strokes
a thorny tree; sugarcane
9 Strokes
clear; bright and brilliant; swea
9 Strokes
grow; multiply; increase; thrive
12 Strokes
roast; broil; toast; cauterize
8 Strokes
12 Strokes
the female of certain animals; to bring forth young of animals
10 Strokes
now; here; this; time; year
10 Strokes
crockery; porcelain; chinaware
11 Strokes
flaw; fault; defect; disease
10 Strokes
eye sockets; corner of the eyes
10 Strokes
corner of the eyes; eyesockets
10 Strokes
magnetic; magnetism; porcelain
14 Strokes
8 Strokes
9 Strokes
grain offered in ritual sacrifice; millet
12 Strokes
purple; violet; amethyst; surname
11 Strokes
that which; he who; those who
10 Strokes
to hoe up the earth around plants
9 Strokes
minced meat; to cut meat into pieces
12 Strokes
self; private; personal; from
6 Strokes
a plant yielding a red dye
11 Strokes
caltrop; tribulus terrestris
12 Strokes
now; here; this; time; year
12 Strokes
14 Strokes
sugar cane
17 Strokes
mat; pad; rely on; pretext
20 Strokes
9 Strokes
13 Strokes
bad-mouth; criticize; defects
12 Strokes
consult; confer; communicate in
16 Strokes
property; wealth; to count
12 Strokes
property; wealth; capital
13 Strokes
reddish brown; hematite; ochre
16 Strokes
hoe; mattock
18 Strokes
female; feminine; gentle; soft
13 Strokes
17 Strokes
15 Strokes
minced and salted fish; to preserve
16 Strokes
21 Strokes
22 Strokes

名前の漢字(벳 0)

名前の漢字(달 13)

concubine of last ruler of the Shang dynasty
8 Strokes
grieved; saddened; worried
8 Strokes
flog; whip; chastise; (Cant.) classifier for places; a tart (from the English 'tart')
16 Strokes
sweetness; sweet; tasty
16 Strokes
slippery; smooth
16 Strokes
사람이름, 불꽃
9 Strokes
19 Strokes
jaundice; disorders of stomach
10 Strokes
새끼양, 아름다울
9 Strokes
arrive at; reach; intelligent
13 Strokes
door; gate
21 Strokes
14 Strokes
22 Strokes

Not providedの年間出生数


Not providedの年間人気


Not providedの男性の名前人口

Not providedの女性の名前人口

Not providedの男性の名前のランキング

Since 2008 to 2025, Boy name ranking chart.
At , The rank was 999999.

Not providedの女性の名前のランキング

Since 2008 to 2025, Girl name ranking chart.
At 2013year, The rank was 2867.

Not providedの季節の割合

Not providedの性的の割合


Not providedの都市の割合