名前ランキングと統計サービス By "korean-name.com/jp/"

この名前”케일라주하(Not provided)”は2008年から2025年までぜんぶ1人が韓国で生まれました。
男の子はぜんぶ0人, 女の子はぜんぶ1人です。
”Not provided”の長期トレンドは懸る,
케일라주하のロマン時は”Not provided”。
(N/A) Il Ra Joo Ha , (N/A) Il Ra Ju Ha , (N/A) Il Ra Choo Ha  
다윤(Dayun)    나연(Nayeon)    민아(Mina)    예서(Yeseo)    소윤(Soyun)    서현(Seohyeon)    지원(Jiwon)    윤지(Yunji)    아영(Ayeong)    지율(Jiyul)    민지(Minji)    서하(Seoha)    윤아(Yuna)    나은(Na-eun)    규리(Gyuri)     


go to ranking range  

名前の漢字(케 0)

名前の漢字(일 16)

wash in sieve; weed out
10 Strokes
one; a; an; alone
1 Strokes
indulge in pleasures; flee
7 Strokes
a row or file of dancers
8 Strokes
기쁠, 외람할, 방탕할
7 Strokes
number one
12 Strokes
8 Strokes
sun; day; daytime
4 Strokes
licentious; libertine; dissipated
8 Strokes
jetty; submerged rock; eddy
9 Strokes
overflow; brim over; full
13 Strokes
rush forth; surpass; excel
12 Strokes
flee; escape; break loose
12 Strokes
measure of weight for gold
18 Strokes
post horse; relay horse
14 Strokes
wash in sieve; weed out
10 Strokes

名前の漢字(라 6)

18 Strokes
23 Strokes
21 Strokes
25 Strokes
the solitary wasp
19 Strokes
좋게볼, 곡진할
21 Strokes

名前の漢字(주 87)

12 Strokes
piece together; assemble
14 Strokes
piece together; assemble
12 Strokes
piece together; assemble
12 Strokes
discard; reject; lose
6 Strokes
master; chief owner; host; lord
5 Strokes
piece together; assemble
7 Strokes
reside; live at; dwell; lodge; stop
7 Strokes
small; little; tiny; dwarf
8 Strokes
8 Strokes
work; make; act
11 Strokes
companion; mate; colleague
16 Strokes
9 Strokes
piece together; assemble
11 Strokes
Zhou dynasty; circumference
8 Strokes
curse; damn; incantation
8 Strokes
a beak; to peck
9 Strokes
to set a dog on; incite; instigate
14 Strokes
memorialize emperor; report
9 Strokes
사람이름, 예쁠
8 Strokes
a beautiful girl
9 Strokes
11 Strokes
time as concept; infinite time
8 Strokes
standing (something) up
12 Strokes
administrative division; state
6 Strokes
cover up; curtain
17 Strokes
kitchen; closet; cupboard
15 Strokes
lean on; post; prod; ridicule
8 Strokes
daytime; daylight
11 Strokes
piece together; assemble
12 Strokes
cinnabar; vermilion; surname
6 Strokes
pillar; post; support; lean on
9 Strokes
numerary adjunct for trees; root
10 Strokes
12 Strokes
13 Strokes
concentrate; focus; direct
8 Strokes
9 Strokes
continent; island; islet
9 Strokes
11 Strokes
timely rain; life-giving rain
15 Strokes
candle wick; lamp wick; stick of incense
9 Strokes
밝을, 드러날
18 Strokes
precious stone; gem; jewel; pearl
10 Strokes
precious stone; gem; jewel; pearl
10 Strokes
farmland; arable land; category
19 Strokes
piece together; assemble
13 Strokes
piece together; assemble
13 Strokes
a red mole; cinnabar
11 Strokes
chip; tally; token; raise money
20 Strokes
21 Strokes
11 Strokes
name of an emperor; saddle part
9 Strokes
kind of thin silk
11 Strokes
continue; maintain; carry on
11 Strokes
12 Strokes
silk cloth; satin damask
14 Strokes
helmet; headpiece; descendant
9 Strokes
between the skin and the flesh
13 Strokes
boat; ship; KangXi radical 137
6 Strokes
frame on which silkworms spin
17 Strokes
insects that eat books; clothes
11 Strokes
12 Strokes
coverlet; bedspread
14 Strokes
explain; annotate; make entry
12 Strokes
to curse; to swear an oath incantations
12 Strokes
execute; kill; put to death; punish
13 Strokes
give for charity
15 Strokes
walk; go on foot; run; leave
7 Strokes
13 Strokes
hesitate; falter; smug; self-satisfied
21 Strokes
13 Strokes
낮을, 짐무거울
15 Strokes
hubs of wheel; converge around
16 Strokes
piece together; assemble
10 Strokes
week; turn; cycle; anniversary
12 Strokes
strong; unyielding; forceful
13 Strokes
a feudal state which existed B.C.700-469; now in Shandong
9 Strokes
double-fermented wine; vintage wine
10 Strokes
wine; spirits; liquor; alcoholic beverage
10 Strokes
쇳돌, 함돌
13 Strokes
14 Strokes
melt; cast; coin; mint
22 Strokes
long spell of rain; copious rain
16 Strokes
16 Strokes
to be stationed at; reside at; to stop
15 Strokes
species of deer
16 Strokes
the spider
19 Strokes

名前の漢字(하 32)

16 Strokes

14 Strokes

9 Strokes
under; underneath; below; down; inferior; bring down
3 Strokes
what; why; where; which; how
7 Strokes
big building; mansion
12 Strokes
particle used to express surprise or mild emphasis; (Cant.) slurred form of the number ten
7 Strokes
sound; voice; noise; tone; music
10 Strokes
scare; frighten; intimidate
17 Strokes
summer; great; grand; big
10 Strokes
name of land
7 Strokes
big building; mansion
13 Strokes
17 Strokes

8 Strokes
var of 'to be'; 'summer'; name
9 Strokes
river; stream; yellow river
8 Strokes
raging fire
13 Strokes
flaw in gem; fault; defect
13 Strokes
asthma; disese of the bowels
14 Strokes
14 Strokes
crack; fissure; split
17 Strokes
lotus; water lily; holland
13 Strokes
15 Strokes
shrimp; prawn
15 Strokes
congratulate; send present
12 Strokes
red; communist; 'red'; bare
16 Strokes
afar; distant; old; advanced in
13 Strokes
17 Strokes
크게 열릴, / 공허할
13 Strokes
rosy clouds
17 Strokes
shrimp; prawn
20 Strokes

19 Strokes

Not providedの年間出生数


Not providedの年間人気


Not providedの男性の名前人口

Not providedの女性の名前人口

Not providedの男性の名前のランキング

Since 2008 to 2025, Boy name ranking chart.
At , The rank was 999999.

Not providedの女性の名前のランキング

Since 2008 to 2025, Girl name ranking chart.
At 2015year, The rank was 2705.

Not providedの季節の割合

Not providedの性的の割合


Not providedの都市の割合